The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right ISP

The Internet has grown to be a necessity that helps us keep ourselves on pace with the fast-developing world of technology. No business or individual can function optimally without the internet in today’s world. The growing need for connectivity has made the internet an absolute essential.

Though we all require the internet not all of us are as sure about the criteria that assist with discerning and judging as to what type of internet would work the best for us. At most, we just go through the reviews online and think we have reached out to all the resources of knowledge necessary to surf through before we choose the best internet connection. However, it does not always prove to be true.

Determining a good ISP (Internet Service Provider) for your internet needs necessitates a little more than that. If you are not familiar with what must be taken into account in this regard, you do not need to worry. We will cover every aspect that must be considered when trying to find the best ISP.

Types of Home Internet Services available out there:


Now that technology has become so advanced, there are several types of internet services available out there. These services are usually divided based on territories.

We all know dial-up connections have become a thing of history. Moreover, that Broadband is the next level internet technology, which is faster than the dial-up connection. Following are a few other types of internet services available in the market:

  • DSL ( Digital Subscriber Line):

DSL internet service is delivered to your place through the existing telephone line. It is usually very handy and cheap as compared to other types of internet. DSL connections are available with different speeds up to 25 Mbps. However new phone services that are coming up deliver speeds up to 100 Mbps.


  • Fiber optic internet:

Fiber optic is also known as FiOS. It is not so common right now but is rapidly expanding. FiOS offers astonishingly fast speeds up to 500 Mbps. Moreover, these already amazing speeds offered will continue to improve as fiber optic technology evolves.


  • Cable Internet:

Cable internet is another common type of internet being domestically used. Cable internet delivers better speeds than DSL and is often ranged above 100 Mbps.


  • Satellite internet:

Satellite internet is provided to your homes via satellites. Satellite service is a little slow and usually, sticks below the bar of 20 Mbps. You may experience a few not so notable hiccups in the connection. If you are living in a rural area the most suitable option for getting broadband service is through a satellite internet service.

What speed do you require?

While choosing the best internet service provider in your area, you must identify your requirement of speed. In today’s fast-moving world we all have grown intolerant of ‘the slow and steady. We need things that function at great speeds at all times. To know your requirement of internet speed, you should be aware of the term “Bandwidth”. Well, bandwidth is measured in Megabits per second; it is the rate at which you download data from the internet to your machine. The number of devices connected to the same connection and data-intensive activities will ask for higher bandwidth.

The following table will provide you with an estimate of the necessary bandwidth from the viewpoint of a single user employing the internet for various types of online activities:


If you are…You require a speed of…
Surfing the internet, emailing, or scrolling social media1 Mbps
Gaming1-3 Mbps
Streaming HD Video5-8 Mbps
Downloading a heavy File online50 Mbps and above
Streaming video of standard definition3-4 Mbps
Conducting video conferences1-4 Mbps


Moreover, if you are a Netflix freak the following information will be very interesting for you:

  • For Netflix, the required broadband connection speed is 1.5 Mbps.
  • 0 Mbps is required to watch DVD quality
  • 0 Mbps is recommended for HD quality
  • And 7.0 Mbps is recommended for Super HD quality

Find the best ISP in your area:

It is not necessarily right that an internet service provider with a great name will provide the best service in your area. An ISP may work well in New York but it may have faulty service in Iowa. So do not go for an ISP only because of the brand’s name and visible credibility. Rather look for the ISPs, which are doing great in your area.

For example, Spectrum internet works best in California, Texas, and New York. It does cover other states too but has a strong network in the three aforementioned states. Therefore, if you think it works best in your area, locate the spectrum phone number and get in touch with their customer service representatives for better guidance.

Essentially, you must shortlist the best internet service providers in your area before moving any further in the process of choice-making.

List down the Pros and Cons of searched ISP’s:

This particular step provides you with great insight into the delivery methods of various ISPs. For example, there is a possibility cable internet is doing better in your area when compared to satellite internet services or fiber optic. Fiber optic is known not to be so efficient in rural areas due to technical issues. Whereas satellite internet despite the wide coverage it provides can be expensive not to forget inefficient at times. Therefore, to come to the right decision and choose the best for yourself, it is highly recommended you probe the searched options.

Choose the company and package that goes easy on your pocket:

Now that you have found a suitable ISP for yourself, the next and perhaps the most critical step is finding the optimal and economic package that will cater to your needs and would not burden your pocket either. Available options vary from location to location. To make this step a whole lot easier for you, here are a few important areas you should focus on:

  • Bundle deals:

Most of the internet service providers offer bundle deals that include internet, phone, and cable. These bundles are quite cost-effective and reasonably deliver quality service.

  • Promotions:

Most Internet service providers offer different promotions to entice first-time customers. These promotions however last for only a limited period. Therefore, you must remain mindful of the fact after the promotional period is over, you will be paying the full price of the availed package.

  • Customer Service:

Opting for a company that offers good customer service is a bonus. Because you cannot predict anything with certainty as far as the internet. Having an ISP that serves you with a single phone call is necessary. Spectrum, Xfinity, Mediacom, AT&T, etc. are known for their exceptional customer service.

  • Negotiation:

Surveys have shown people consistently negotiate the pricing of internet and cable TV bundles. Consumer reports indicate, 40% of the negotiators receive new promotional deals, 16.5% negotiate themselves an extra number of channels and 12.5% of them get themselves a faster internet.

I hope that this discussion of various aspects of information about internet services will come to rescue you in case you are caught up in a dilemma wherein you cannot decide which ISP may be the most suitable for you.