How to Change to System Administrator in Windows 7

A lot of time when you change one Windows to another latest Windows such as the Windows 10 operating system on your computer sometimes in the middle of a message pops up to change your system administrator before installing the new Windows.

According to Microsoft, you cannot change your system administrator account you can only use an existing Administrator account to solve this problem.

How To Change System Admin in Windows

Step 1 :

Open the Control Panel from the Start Menu.

Step 2 : 

Open User Accounts in the control panel.

Step 3 :

Click on Manage another account.

By doing this you can see all the user’s accounts on your computer.

Step 4 : 

Now Sign Out and log in with any Administrator Account.

When you log on with another administrator account again follow all the above steps Control Panel > User Account > Manage another account.

Step 5 : 

Now select the Standard account you wish to change.

Step 6 :

Now select the Change Account Type option.

Step 7 : 

In the Administrator option to change the account select the Change Account Type button.

Change System Admin on Windows 7 using Command Prompt

You can also able to switch the System Admin on Windows 7 using the command line follow the below steps to know the complete process.

Open the Command Prompt as Administrator.

After that type the following command.

net user administrator /active:yes
 net user administrator <Password>
net localgroup administrators <username> /add

This all for how to change admin account in Windows 7 for more similar guides do check our Windows guides section.