How to Access Boot Menu On Windows 11

Boot Menu or Step Utility Screen in Windows is a screen where you’re the manager of your computer to resolve any problem occurring on your computer or laptop by accessing the boot menu in Windows. In simple words, the boot menu is an advanced troubleshooting mode where you can repair your computer.

Access To Boot Menu In Windows 11 and Windows 10

Follow the step-by-step guide to enter your computer boot menu.
Step 1 :

Shut down your computer.

Step 2 :

Restart your computer and press the F8 key repeatedly.

Step 3: 

Boot Menu appears on the screen.

You can enter to boot menu in Windows by following the above step-by-step guide or by pressing the F8 key after restarting your computer.

Access To Boot Menu In 7 and later versions

Step 1:

Open the “Charms Bar” by (Windows-C)

Step 2 :

Open Settings > Change PC Settings > General 

Step 3:

Scroll to the bottom and click on  Advanced Startup > Restart

Step 4:

Now click on the Use a Device option >Boot Menu.

You can enter to boot menu in Windows 11 and later versions of Windows using this guide. Hopefully, you find it helpful.