Seldom English to Spanish Translation

Word: Seldom (Inglés) Seldom ( Español)


1. (Formally) (Informal)

a. Seldom (A word that means rarely or not often.)

— It is rare for me to meet someone who shares my favorite book. (Es raro que conozca a alguien que comparta mi libro favorito.)

2. (Formally) (Informal)

b. Escasamente (Used to emphasize the rarity or infrequency of something.)

— It’s only seldom that I get the chance to see my family. (Es solo escasamente que tengo la oportunidad de ver a mi familia.)

3. (Formally) (Informal)

c. Raramente (A synonym for rarely or not often.)

— I raramente go to the movies. (Yo raramente voy al cine.)

Synonyms for Seldom

Infrequently – Infrecuentemente 🔊 Rarely – Raramente 🔊 Scarce – Escaso/a 🔊 Uncommon – Incomún/a 🔊 Occasional – Ocacional 🔊

Antonyms for Seldom

Frequently – Frecuentemente 🔊 Often – A menudo 🔊 Common – Común/a 🔊 Regularly – Regularmente 🔊 Usually – Usualmente 🔊

Examples of Seldom

I seldom eat breakfast. – No comprendo desayuno a menudo.Every once in a while I seldom get to travel. – De vez en cuando, tengo la oportunidad de viajar escasamente.
He seldom misses his family. – Él raramente se da cuenta de la importancia de su familia.It’s seldom that I meet someone who shares my interests. – Es raro que conozca a alguien que comparta mis intereses.
By the time I arrived, the party was seldom. – Cuando llegué, la fiesta había terminado raramente.I only get to see my friends seldom. – Solo veo a mis amigos escasamente.

Common Phrases

“In a blue moon”“En un arcoiris”> – (A phrase used to indicate something happens seldom or rarely.)
“Break a leg”“Que te salga bien” – (A phrase used to wish someone good luck, similar to “in a blue moon”.)

Conjugations for “Seldom

PresentI seldom, you seldom, he/she/it seldom, we seldom, you seldom, they seldom
PastI seldomed, you seldomed, he/she/it seldomed, we seldomed, you seldomed, they seldomed
FutureI seldom will, you seldom will, he/she/it seldom will, we seldom will, you seldom will, they seldom will

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

seldom – rarely or not often

Usage: It is seldom that I get the chance to see my family. – Es raro que tenga la oportunidad de ver a mi familia.