Self esteem English to Spanish Translation

Self esteem(in English) 🔊
Autoestima (in Spanish) 🔊


1. a. A positive and healthy regard for oneself.

(La autoestima es una valoración positiva y saludable de sí mismo.)

— She struggled with low self-esteem throughout her teenage years.

2. b. A sense of confidence and self-worth.

(La autoestima es un sentimiento de confianza y valor propio.)

— He has always had high self-esteem and is not afraid to speak his mind.

3. c. A favorable opinion of oneself.

(La autoestima es una opinión favorable de sí mismo.)

— She has struggled with self-doubt and low self-esteem for years.

Synonyms for Self esteem

Confidence – la confianza 🔊 Estimate – la estima 🔊 Value – el valor 🔊 Respect – el respeto 🔊 Hope – la esperanza 🔊

Antonyms for Self esteem

Insecurity – la inseguridad 🔊 Panic – el pánico 🔊 Fear – el miedo 🔊 Doubt – la duda 🔊 Rejection – el rechazo 🔊

Examples of Self esteem

She struggled with low self-esteem throughout her teenage years.Ella luchó con autoestima baja durante toda su adolescencia.
He has always had high self-esteem and is not afraid to speak his mind.Él siempre ha tenido alta autoestima y no tiene miedo de expresar su opinión.
Her self-esteem was boosted by the positive feedback from her coach.La autoestima de ella se vio aumentada gracias a los comentarios positivos de su entrenador.
She worked hard to build up her self-esteem and confidence.Ella trabajó duro para construir su autoestima y confianza.

Common Phrases

“To boost one’s self-esteem”“Incrementar su autoestima”
“To build up one’s self-esteem”“Construir su autoestima”
“To struggle with low self-esteem”“Luchar con autoestima baja”
“To have high self-esteem”“Tener alta autoestima”

Conjugations for “Self esteem

Word of the Day

Autoestima – self esteem

Usage: She worked hard to build up her self-esteem and confidence. – Ella trabajó duro para construir su autoestima y confianza.