How to Remove URLs from Address Bar In Chrome
Previously we discuss how to delete autofill information on web browsers. But there are one more thing autocomplete function in web browsers address bar. Daily I’ve researched online and my google chrome browser website address bar gets filled with mistypes URLs.
Just like me you also not want to visit a website that you’ve visited again. Web browser autosuggestion functions like a ghost for many users. You can easily remove autocomplete chrome and erasing all autosuggestion URLs from your browser not easily for all users.
Removing Auto-suggest URL’s from Google Chrome
To delete single URL auto-suggested URL in chrome browser you’ve to type the web address on bar. For example – when the unwanted autocomplete suggestion appears then move mouse arrow to the highlighted the suggestion address from the drop-down menu on address bar.
After this you’ve to press, (Shift+Delete) keys through keyboard and that particular auto-suggested url gone.
Recently one of my buddy asked me ”how to block a url in chrome” I tell him a way to block particular web address on chrome browser.
First of all, you’ve to download and install an extension named Block Site. After that open the website want to block on address bar.
Step 1 :
open the website on chrome that you want to block.
Step 2 :
Then ”Right Click” using mouse and go to ”Block Site” and then select ”Add Current Site to Blocklist”.
You can also access that blocked website if you disable the block site extension.
To disable the extension, Go to ‘Menu’ > ‘Settings’ and then on Block Site extension Click on ”options” and then Click on Off button to turn off the extension.
Some additional feature of this extension is user can setup password on extension. To hide blocklist websites from other chrome users.
To set up the password on Block Site, Go to ”Options” and Uninstall protection and set up your own password.
I hope with the help of this article you know how you can block particular website on chrome browser using a extension. If you’ve any question related to this article you asked us and don’t forget to give feedback through comments.