Piece English to Spanish Translation



1. (General)

a. Piece (A detached or separate portion of something.)

— The piece I lost was my favorite book.

2. (Music)

b. Piece (A musical composition, especially one of a solo instrument.)

— The pianist performed a beautiful piece by Chopin.

3. (Slang)

c. Piece (A fragment or broken part of something.)

— She found a piece of a broken vase on the floor.

Synonyms for Piece

fragment – fragmento 🔊 portion – porción 🔊 section – sección 🔊 chunk – trozo 🔊 bit – trocito 🔊 slice – rebanada 🔊

Antonyms for Piece

whole – todo 🔊 intact – intacto 🔊 complete – completo 🔊 unbroken – sin romperse 🔊

Examples of Piece

The broken piece was discarded.Se descartó el trozo roto.
She wrote a new piece for the orchestra.Escribió una nueva composición para la orquesta.
The puzzle piece fit perfectly.El trozo del puzzle encajó perfectamente.
He salvaged a piece of the broken clock.Salvó un trozo del reloj roto.

Common Phrases

“In one piece”“En un solo trozo”
“To put the pieces together”“Poner los trozos juntos”

Word of the Day

piece – piece

Usage: The artist crafted a beautiful piece using recycled materials. – El artista creó una hermosa composición utilizando materiales reciclados.