Persist (in English) 🔊
Persistir (in Spanish) 🔊
1. ( Verb ) (General)
a. persistir (vb) (To continue to exist or occur; to continue to exert force or influence.)
— The company has been trying to persist in the market despite the competition.
2. ( Verb ) (General)
b. persistir (vb) (To stay or remain in a particular state or condition.)
— The pilot had to persist to keep the plane airborne despite the strong headwind.
3. ( Verb ) (Psychology)
c. persistir (vb) (To have a persistent memory or image.)
— The patient had to persist with the therapy to overcome her phobia.
Synonyms for “Persist”
Hold Fast – Aguirre 🔊
Endure – Soportar 🔊
Sustain – Mantener 🔊
Persevere – Persistir 🔊
Doggedly – Insistentemente 🔊
Antonyms for “Persist”
Give Up – Renunciar 🔊
Quit – Dejar 🔊
Abandon – Abandonar 🔊
Fail – Fallar 🔊
Collapse – Derrumbar 🔊
Examples of “Persist”
English | Spanish |
She persisted in her efforts to get the job done. | Ellas persistieron en sus esfuerzos por hacer el trabajo. |
He had to persist through the difficult times to achieve his goals. | Él tuvo que persistir a través de los tiempos difíciles para lograr sus metas. |
The company has been persisting in the market for years. | La empresa ha estado persistiendo en el mercado durante años. |
She persisted in her research, determined to find the answer. | Ella persistió en su investigación, decidida a encontrar la respuesta. |
The athlete had to persist through the injuries to win the competition. | El atleta tuvo que persistir a través de las lesiones para ganar la competencia. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“When the going gets tough, the tough get persisting.” | “Cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles, los fuertes persisten.” |
“Persistence is key.” | “La persistencia es la clave.” |
“Don’t give up! Keep persisting!” | “¡No te rindas! ¡Sigue persistiendo!” |
“It’s not about being the best, it’s about persisting.” | “No es sobre ser el mejor, es sobre persistir.” |
Conjugations for “Persist”
Tense | Conjugation |
Present | persisto, persists, persiste, persistimos, persistís, persisten |
Past | persistí, persististe, persistió, persistimos, persististeis, persistieron |
Future | perseguiré, perseguirás, perseguirá, perseguiremos, perseguiréis, perseguirán |
Word of the Day
Persistir – to persist
Usage: The company has been trying to persist in the market for years. – La empresa ha estado intentando persistir en el mercado durante años.