Persist English to Spanish Translation

Persist (in English) 🔊
Persistir (in Spanish) 🔊


1. ( Verb ) (General)

a. persistir (vb) (To continue to exist or occur; to continue to exert force or influence.)

— The company has been trying to persist in the market despite the competition.

2. ( Verb ) (General)

b. persistir (vb) (To stay or remain in a particular state or condition.)

— The pilot had to persist to keep the plane airborne despite the strong headwind.

3. ( Verb ) (Psychology)

c. persistir (vb) (To have a persistent memory or image.)

— The patient had to persist with the therapy to overcome her phobia.

Synonyms for “Persist”

Hold Fast – Aguirre 🔊 Endure – Soportar 🔊 Sustain – Mantener 🔊 Persevere – Persistir 🔊 Doggedly – Insistentemente 🔊

Antonyms for “Persist”

Give Up – Renunciar 🔊 Quit – Dejar 🔊 Abandon – Abandonar 🔊 Fail – Fallar 🔊 Collapse – Derrumbar 🔊

Examples of “Persist”

She persisted in her efforts to get the job done.Ellas persistieron en sus esfuerzos por hacer el trabajo.
He had to persist through the difficult times to achieve his goals.Él tuvo que persistir a través de los tiempos difíciles para lograr sus metas.
The company has been persisting in the market for years.La empresa ha estado persistiendo en el mercado durante años.
She persisted in her research, determined to find the answer.Ella persistió en su investigación, decidida a encontrar la respuesta.
The athlete had to persist through the injuries to win the competition.El atleta tuvo que persistir a través de las lesiones para ganar la competencia.

Common Phrases

“When the going gets tough, the tough get persisting.”“Cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles, los fuertes persisten.”
“Persistence is key.”“La persistencia es la clave.”
“Don’t give up! Keep persisting!”“¡No te rindas! ¡Sigue persistiendo!”
“It’s not about being the best, it’s about persisting.”“No es sobre ser el mejor, es sobre persistir.”

Conjugations for “Persist”

Presentpersisto, persists, persiste, persistimos, persistís, persisten
Pastpersistí, persististe, persistió, persistimos, persististeis, persistieron
Futureperseguiré, perseguirás, perseguirá, perseguiremos, perseguiréis, perseguirán

Word of the Day

Persistir – to persist

Usage: The company has been trying to persist in the market for years. – La empresa ha estado intentando persistir en el mercado durante años.