How To Delete Footer Text In Blogger / WordPress

Today, we discuss on the footer or footer links a lot of new blogging buddies owns a new blog theme and customize their blog in which default footer becomes resistant if you don’t know how to remove home or post footer blogger then read this article to know the process of removing footer from website or blog.

delete footer blogger

You deleting the default footer credit which shows below of your blog, you have to follow these steps

Step 1 :

Login To Your Blogger Account > Dashboard > Template

Step 2 :

Edit HTML > Ctrl + F to open (Search box) in Template

Step 3 :

Find this code


Step 4 :

Just above the head past this code

#Attribution1 {display: none;}

Step 5 :

Save the Template

Warning: Before Editing on Template you must save the template as a backup

If you don’t show the footer to your visitors in  WordPress then you have to edit your WordPress template and paste the CSS code which vanishes the footer links from the WordPress blog.

Step 1 :

Login in to your WordPress account

Step 2 :

Put given code into your custom CSS or child-theme CSS to remove

.copyright { display: none;}

Warning: Before Editing on Template you must save the template as a backup

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

These are some commonly asked questions related to the Blogger with complete information.

Is Blogger better than WordPress?

In a word, the Blogger platform outperforms WordPress when it comes to starting a blog just for the purpose of writing. If you don’t mind the Blogger platform’s restricted functionality, this is a fantastic option. The WordPress platform is better for producing money or making a long-term effect.

What is the difference between Blogger and WordPress?

Blogger is a simple tool that allows you to quickly and easily write a blog and publish it online. WordPress, on the other hand, is a full-featured Content Management System (CMS) for developing websites (we’re talking about self-hosted WordPress here, not

How do I remove the copyright footer in Blogger?

To remove the text you’ve entered, click the field under “Copyright (Optional)” and press the “Backspace” key.

This is the end of this short guide, hopefully, you find this article helpful.

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