How to Hide Picasa Photos Album From Gallery
Picasa Web is one of the best photo hosting and sharing websites in it you can easily create a free account and upload photos from your personal computer via Blog or Picasa software. A lot of users take their personal photos and want to make them private because photo privacy is a serious issue. You can easily make Picasa photos private and secure them from hackers by following the given below steps.
Hide Picasa Web Albums Photos
Step 1 :
Go the and log into your account
Step 2 :
Tap on My Photos and open the gallery
Step 3 :
Tap on Action and tap on Albums Properties as shown in a given image
Step 4 :
In “Visibility,” change the visibility option to Only You
Step 5 :
Hit Save Changes.
As you see in Visibility there are three options Limited anyone with the link, Public on the web and Only you from the limited with link option you can set limitation of the album only limit users who can see your album on other hand. Public on the web allows everyone on the web to access your Picasa photo album and the last option is Only You make Picasa photo album private only you can see it.