English To Spanish

Nutrients English to Spanish Translation

Definitions Nutrients (English) (General) Nutrients (Substances necessary for the growth, maintenance, and repair of the body.) — Nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy diet. (Los nutrientes son esenciales para mantener una dieta saludable.) Nutrientes (Spanish) (General) nutrientes (Sustancias necesarias para el crecimiento, mantenimiento y reparación del cuerpo.) — Los nutrientes son fundamentales para una […]

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Norms English to Spanish Translation

Definitions Norm (English) A standard or rule of behavior or procedure. (Spanish) Un estándar o regla de conducta o procedimiento. — The company’s policies are designed to promote fair treatment of all employees. Norma (English) A standard or rule regulating a particular activity or profession. (Spanish) Una norma o regla que regula una actividad o

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Nice English to Spanish Translation

Nice Nice (n.) (AGRADERO, AGRADABLE) The word “nice” has various meanings, including: 1. Pleasant, agreeable (General) (amable, agradable) She has a nice smile. 2. Formally correct, polite (Formal) (correcto, cortés) It would be nice to receive a thank-you note. 3. Not unpleasant, mediocre (Slang) (luego, regular) The movie was nice, but not great. Synonyms for

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