How To Block Websites On Safari (MacOS)
We going to tell you some of the ways through which you can easily block websites on Safari. Parental Control is a feature that blocks all inappropriate websites, All you’ve to do is to enable a feature.
However, you want to know how to block websites on the Safari web browser on Macbook. Here we demonstrate how to block websites and how to enable parental controls in macOS.
Follow given below step by step guides to block websites on the Safari browser.
Block Websites on Safari Web Browser
Safari is a browser available for macOS and iOS platforms. However, we going to tell you to block websites on safari without a website blocker.
Generally, on Google you find out lots of ways, to block websites on safari, here we show the fastest way to block a site using a terminal.
Step 1:
Launch the Terminal (Just search for a terminal in the spotlight).
Step 2:
Now in Terminal enter the given following command line. Hit the ” Enter” button on the keyboard
sudo pico /etc/hosts
After hitting the Enter button you will be asked for Administrator Password.
Step 3:
Once are you’ve entered the correct administrator password you the Terminal Text Program will be started. The command line will open a host file you’ve to scroll down to the bottom and press Enter. To create a new line.
Step 4:
Now all you’ve to do is to enter the following data. Type the IP followed by the URL or Site address. i.e: And hit Enter button. However, there is a catch you can only add one website on a single line.
Step 5:
After entering the website’s names in the file, press “Ctrl + O” then hit Enter to save the file.
Step 6:
Final Step, In this only you’ve to flush your cache in order to take effects in settings. Just open the Terminal and enter the following command line “sudo dscacheutil -flushcache” to flush the DNS.
Now launched the safari web browser and try to open the website you’ve blocked. If all goes correctly you won’t be able to open the websites on safari browser or any other web browser on your Macbook.
How To Enable Parental Controls In Macbook
Parental controls are the feature that protects or block to access inappropriate websites. Basically, this feature is helpful for parents to block all inappropriate websites on the web browser for their kids.
Here, it’s a simple way to enable Parental Controls in MacOS. Follow given below step by step guides to activate Parental Controls.
Step 1:
Go to Apple Menu (through spotlight) > System Preferences. And click on Parental Controls.
Note: For some users, if you’ve open System Preferences, If you see the message like this “There are no users account to manage”. This means you’ve to add a managed users to your Macbook.
Step 2:
Now after the first step, Click on the lock icon to unlock it, after type administrator name and password. After that select the user and Enable the Parentals Controls.
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