How To Block Someone on Disqus
Previously we discussed how you can close comments on a particular web page or blog post and today we talk about how you can easily ban or block anybody publishing scam comments on your website from Disqus.
Currently, millions of websites and blogs use the Disqus comment box to publish visitors’ views on your website. So it was too hard to block a particular person to comment, No it was not true you can easily block anybody permanently if you want.
Disqus allows its users to add commenters to the banned list and trusted list according to their performance on their website or blog.
What are Banned List and Trusted List in Disqus?
These are two lists offered by Disqus to the users to separate good and bad people if you want to block or ban anyone from publishing a comment on your website you can them on the Banned List and if you see anyone with good feedback on your website you can add him to the trusted list.
So, In this article, we talk about how you can block someone on disks if you don’t own a website or blog.
Keep Reading…..
Block Someone On Disqus – Complete Guides
Follow the given step-by-step guide with images to block anybody on Disqus.
Step 1 :
Go the Disqus and log into your account.
Step 2 :
Now go to the right and click on the Manage button on the website to open the website settings.
Step 3 :
Open the Engage Tab, next to the Start and in the left side list, open Banned Users.
Step 4 :
Now select the banned list, and hit the Add Item button.
Step 5 :
Enter fill the requirements to block a particular person.
Now with these five steps, you can easily block anybody from commenting on your website.