How to Block a Phone Number in (Android & iPhone)
If you want to know How to Block a Phone Number? then keep reading this article, here we take you through 2 easy to use methods to block any phone number without having a hassle.
While talking to someone on the phone, you may start feeling uncomfortable with that person. Also, it can be an argument, or an unsafe feeling can force you to block that person. It can easily do on your phone or an iPhone just by following some steps.
It doesn’t mean that when you block someone, then you can’t unblock them, whenever the situation occurs, you can easily unblock by following some steps for it.
It can be many other sorts of reason for blocking of a number. The number can also be a big scam, and it is necessary to block them.
How to Block a Phone Number – Step by Step
Here are the given methods which will enable you to block the required number on your phone. Here the steps are explained for blocking the number on an android phone. Here it follows.
First Method To Block Phone Number
Step 1:
Open the calling app on your phone. After this, the app gives in the home of your phone. Tap on the three lines button shown on your screen of the phone. A menu will occur there.
Step 2:
Tap on the settings option shown there below the call history option. After that, go to the blocked numbers option which is given on the upward side of the screen.
Step 3:
Click on the adding of number which shows at the upward side of the screen. Now add the number which you want to block. Select the area and then type the required number.
Step 4:
Then click on the block option shown there. When you click on it, the number will not be able to call you again or even can’t text you. For unblocking the number, go to the blocked numbers option and then click on the unblock option after the given number which you want to unblock.
Second Method To Block Phone Number
Here it is explained how to block the number on an iPhone. Here are the following steps.
Step 1:
Firstly, open the phone app on your iPhone. It is shown as green in colour with the photo of receiving of call on it. It can easily see on the home screen of the iPhone.
Step 2:
Now click on the contacts option or a new option for blocking the required contact number or an unknown number.
Step 3:
After that click on the, I option which gives the right the number which you want to block. Now go to the downwards side and then click on the blocking of the caller option. It can easily see on the screen.
Step 4:
Now click on the block contract option when it appears. It gives the red type at the downside. By this, the number gets blocked, it will not be able to call or text you again until you blocked.
Step 5:
You can quickly check you blocked contacts on your iPhone. For viewing them, go to the settings option then click on the phone option and then go to the identification and then you can see the blocked contacts right there id.