How To Add Link To Instagram Post : [4 Methods]
Wondering how to add links to Instagram posts? This article is based on how-to article guides on how to add links to Instagram posts. Well, don’t worry here we shared some of the best ways to add a link to Instagram.
As being in the main purpose of giving the display of photos, Instagram actually doesn’t have the direct forms for the posting of any URL of the website in the given photos or the comments in the post.
Users can still have the links by inserting there the one which is easily clickable. Let’s understand here how we can get access to it.
How To add Link To Instagram Post [4 Methods]
Here are the steps explained for putting the links on Instagram.
Edit And Paste Link Into Instagram Post
Well, it’s the first method or procedure to insert a link in an Instagram post. For this, you’ve to follow the steps given below.
Step 1:
Login into your Instagram account on your mobile phone.
Step 2:
Now Tap on the “+” button to post a new photo on our Instagram Account.
Step 3:
After this, upload the photo and edit it for the final step for publishing. Before that at the caption feature.
Step 4:
Add the Link that you want to post with the photo on your Instagram Account.
You can use this method also on old Instagram posts. For this go to the photo that you want to edit with a link. After that enter the link and hit the save button to make changes.
Insert Link In Instagram Profile Bio
Step 1
Firstly, begin by opening the app of Instagram in your device.
Step 2
Now click on the icon on the right downward side. It appears like a human there with his upper body.
Step 3
After that, click on the Edit Profile option on your screen.
Step 4
Now, click on the website option there. After that, type the website which you want to add in the bio.
Step 5
Click on the done option. It is available on the upward right side in the given corner. It will again open the profile screen on your device. The website will appear there under the name.
Instagram Tagging In The Instagram Photos
Step 1
Begin with the opening of the icon of Instagram. Then click on the icon at the downward right size. It occurs like a person there.
Step 2
Now click on the photo. They appear under the name of the profile of the user.
Step 3
After that, click on the three dots option. It is located on the upward side to the right of the given photo. There will occur a widow of white color.
Step 4
Go to the edit option. It is located in the window of the white type. A white overlay on the given photo will appear there which says Tag People.
Step 5
Click the Tag People option. It appears as white in color as the text on the photo. The instruction will be given by clicking on the photo.
Step 6
Now, click on the given photo. An empty box with the +cursor of the blinking form will occur there.
Step 7
On the given box there, type your username of yours. When the users will type there, the autofill will allow them in providing the menu where they can easily choose the person whom they want to tag there.
Step 8
Click on the username. Users can choose any of the names whichever they want. The screen will open the photo again.
Step 9
Now, click on the done option. It is located on the upward right side. The link of the other person will be easily seen as in a tag there.
Tag The Link In The Comments Of Instagram Post
Step 1
Begin with the opening of the icon of Instagram. After that, click on the icon which appears as a person on your screen.
Step 2
Now, click on the photo. They appear under the name of the profile of the user.
Step 3
Click on the icon of the chat there. It is located under the photo which is to the right side of the icon of the heart. A blinking cursor will appear there which says the line Add a comment.
Step 4
After that, do the typing of the username there. Start typing with the symbol of @.
Step 5
Now, click on the post button. It is available on the right side of the comment. The username will now appear in the box of the comment. Users can now click the username and can visit the profile of the person.
I hope this information made the readers understand how they can add links to their Instagram profiles in various types. For more related articles read our 6 ways to see Someone’s Private Instagram Account and you can also read this Instastalker: Protect your Instagram Account and many more.