Norms English to Spanish Translation



(English) A standard or rule of behavior or procedure.

(Spanish) Un estándar o regla de conducta o procedimiento.

— The company’s policies are designed to promote fair treatment of all employees.


(English) A standard or rule regulating a particular activity or profession.

(Spanish) Una norma o regla que regula una actividad o profesión en particular.

— The law office has strict standards for client confidentiality.


(English) Relating to a standard or rule.

(Spanish) Relativo a un estándar o regla.

— The team’s normative expectations for teamwork were clearly defined.

Synonyms for Norm

Standard Rule Regulation Code Law Principle

Antonyms for Norm

Abnormality Deviation Exception Irregularity Variation

Examples of Norm

The company has a strict norm regarding employee overtime.La empresa tiene una norma estricta en cuanto a horas extras de los empleados.
The hospital has a norma for patient care.El hospital tiene una norma para el cuidado de los pacientes.
The law firm follows a set of norms for professionalism.El bufete de abogados sigue un conjunto de normas para la profesionalidad.

Common Phrases

To live by the norm.Vivir con arreglo a la norma.
Despite breaking the norm.A pesar de romper con la norma.

Conjugations for Norm

Presentnoro, normas, norma, normamos, normáis, norman
Pastnorrí, normaste, normó, normamos, normasteis, normaron
Futurenorriré, normarás, normará, normaremos, normaréis, normarán

Word of the Day

Norm – standard

Usage: The company’s policies are designed to promote fair treatment of all employees.