Landmark English to Spanish Translation

**Word** Landmark ((n.)) Listen (English) 🔊 Escuchar (Spanish) 🔊


1. (Geographic Feature) (General)

a. Landmark – (A significant or memorable location, such as a monument or a famous building.)

— The Arc de Triomphe is a famous landmark in Paris.

2. (Important Event) (General)

b. Landmark – (A significant or notable event, such as a turning point in history.)

— The 1969 moon landing was a landmark moment in space exploration.

3. (Important Document) (General)

c. Landmark – (A crucial or influential document, such as a treaty or a judgement.)

— The Magna Carta is a landmark document in the history of human rights.

4. (Education) (General)

d. Landmark – (A significant or notable achievement, such as a perfect score.)

— She reached a landmark in her studies by earning a perfect score on her exam.

5. (Business) (General)

e. Landmark – (A significant or notable moment in the history of a company, such as the launch of a new product.)

— The launch of the iPhone was a landmark for Apple.

Synonyms for **Landmark**

Hitos – 🔊 Monumento – 🔊 Eventos Clave – 🔊 Referente – 🔊 Evento Desierto – 🔊 No Importante – 🔊

Word of the Day

landmark – landmark

Usage: The landmark in the center of town is always bustling with activity. – El hito en el centro de la ciudad siempre está lleno de actividad.