What is Minecraft Server
Minecraft is being the most popular game and the most addictive one has gained much interest around the world. People can set up their own Minecraft server and can create own worlds in it. The best thing in it is that people need not spend money on it as it can be easily done with a small-sized Linux computer Raspberry Pi. This game can also be easily played on a small LAN network with your family and friends.
Things Required For This Method
The requirements that are necessary to build a Minecraft server on your Raspberry Pi, are as follows:-
- A Raspberry Pi (if you don’t have then grab the latest one)
- A Power Cable( that can be properly adjusted with your Raspberry Pi).
- Ethernet cable (or wireless networking).
- 8 Gb or larger Micro Sd card.
- An External monitor.
- A laptop or a computer with Minecraft Java Edition (that will be compatible with use).
We need to connect these with a remote SSH connection. Then a copy of Minecraft is also necessary on your computer.
Necessary To Connect With Raspbian
If haven’t done yet, then attach your external keyboard, monitor and any other left connectors to your Raspberry Pi, and then plug it to your power equipment.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Step By Step Guide To Get Raspberry Pi
- Once Raspberry is installed, we need to ensure that our version is up to date.
- Launch a new Terminal Window by clicking to the Terminal icon shown in the Raspbian Toolbar
- After this, Run the Given commands:-
Now Raspbian will download all the available updates.
Step 1: Updating Raspbian’s Memory Split
Now, there is a need to tell Raspbian, how to use the given memory using the given tools.
You can launch this tool using the following given command:-
Sudo raspi - config
It will appear in the Windows, navigate it to the “Advanced options -Memory Split” then enter value 16. Save changes by clicking ‘OK’.
Step 2: Creating Spigot Server
Spigot, the most modified Minecraft Server including many useful performance optimizations. It is necessary to check the installation of Java on Raspberry Pi.
We can also check the installation by given command:-
sudo apt install default - jdl
After this, there need to build the Minecraft server file. The following commands will be performed
mkdir /home/pi/minecraft
cd /home/pi/minecraft
wget https :// hub . spigotmc . org / jenkins / job/BuildTools
Step 3: Creating our own Spigot Server
java - Xmx1024M -jar BuildTools
When Spigot will be downloaded, the server will be launched with the following command –
java - Xms512M - Xmx1008M - jar
If the server is not appearing in the local list, then you can locate it by,
- Select ”Add server”.
- Enter the IP address of the given Raspberri Pi.
- Then click on the “Done” button.
Then, it will successfully be added as a connection in your given Minecraft Server.
Step 4: Boot Time Automatisation
The boot can be done with the given Command-
$ /opt/minecraft/tools/mcronn/mcrcon
Wrapping Up!
As by following the given instructions, it will successfully install Minecraft Server on your Raspberry Pi. Minecraft servers may not run smoothly on systems along with fewer resources. Moreover, if you found this article helpful don’t forget to share it among others.