World English to Spanish Translation

Here is the translated HTML for the word “World” from English to Spanish with all the required sections:**Word** English: World Spanish: Mundo Pronunciation: /wɜːrld/ (WAHRLD) (English), /ˈmun.ðo/ (MOON-doh) (Spanish)**Definition** English: 1. The earth, especially in relation to human activity or the activities of humans. 2. A planet or a universe. 3. A region or territory with a shared government or culture. 4. A sphere of human knowledge or interest.Spanish: 1. El mundo, especialmente en relación con la actividad humana o las actividades humanas. 2. Un planeta o un universo. 3. Una región o territorio con un gobierno o cultura compartido. 4. Un campo de conocimiento o interés humano.Definitions 1, 3, and 4 have examples: Example 1: The world is full of beauty and wonder. Ejemplo 1: El mundo está lleno de belleza y maravillas. Example 3: The world is divided into many different regions. Ejemplo 3: El mundo está dividido en muchas regiones diferentes. Example 4: The world of science is vast and complex. Ejemplo 4: El mundo de la ciencia es vasto y complejo.**Synonyms** English: globe, planet, earth, terra, universe Spanish: globo, planeta, tierra, terra, universo**Antonyms** English: local, provincial, regional, limited, narrow Spanish: local, provincial, regional, limitado, estrecho**Examples** English: The world is a very big place. Spanish: El mundo es un lugar muy grande. English: The world is full of amazing things. Spanish: El mundo está lleno de cosas increíbles. English: She loves the world of art. Spanish: Ella adore el mundo del arte.**Common Phrases** English: “the world at your feet”, “a world of difference”, “in a world of its own” Spanish: “el mundo a tus pies”, “un mundo de diferencia”, “en un mundo propio”**Conjugations** (no conjugations for “world” in English or Spanish)**Word of the Day** English: World Spanish: Mundo Pronunciation: /wɜːrld/ (WAHRLD) (English), /ˈmun.ðo/ (MOON-doh) (Spanish) Sentence: The world is full of beauty and wonder. Oración: El mundo está lleno de belleza y maravillas.Note: Since “World” is a noun and does not have conjugations in English or Spanish, we do not include a conjugations section. Also, I removed the definitions for slang or idiomatic usage as they are not relevant to the word’s general meaning.