How to Track Visitors In Google Shortener Link

Google Url Shortener is the web application own by search giant Google, this tool helps lots of people to shorten the long URL easily. Generally, a short URL was more helpful than a long URL to get traffic.

Basically, Google URL Shortener is used by people how to want to share any web page with social networking websites. This tool was also used by bloggers to get traffic from social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter to their websites.

In this article, I will tell you how you can easily track the visitors going to your shared Url via the Google Shortener tool.

Track Traffic From Google Shortener Links

Follow the step-by-step guide to know how you can easily track visitors visiting from the Google Short URL.

Step 1 : 

Open the Google URL Shortener

Step 2 : 

Now choose the URL you want to track

Step 3 : 

After selecting the URL, click on the “Details” on that URL

Step 4 : 

Select the “All Time” option to see complete details of the URL

When you open the Details of any particular short Url you can easily find out how many visitors visit that web page. You can also find visitors’ details such as Country, Browser, and Platform.