Tends English to Spanish Translation

Tends (in English) 🔊
Tender (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (verb) (General)

Tends (To direct one’s attention, interest, or concern towards something.)

— She tends to worry about trivial things.

2. (verb) (General)

Tuber (To take care of a plant or animal, especially by giving it food and water.)

— He tends the garden every day.

3. (verb) (General)

Tenor (To maintain or preserve something in a particular state or condition.)

— The climate tends to get warmer in the summer.

4. (verb) (General)

Tendency (A natural or acquired inclination or tendency towards something.)

— She has a tendency to procrastinate.

5. (verb) (General)

Tenacious (Showing determination or stubbornness in one’s attitude or behavior.)

— He’s tenacious in his pursuit of justice.

Synonyms for Tends

directs – dirige 🔊 regulates – regula 🔊 cares for – cuida 🔊 manages – gestiona 🔊 guarantees – garantiza 🔊 preserves – conserva 🔊 maintains – mantiene 🔊 concerns – preocupa 🔊 attends to – atiende 🔊

Antonyms for Tends

neglects – descuida 🔊 abandons – abandona 🔊 ignores – ignora 🔊 disregards – desprecia 🔊 distracts – distrae 🔊 avoids – evita 🔊

Examples of Tends

She tends to worry about nothing.Ella tiende a preocuparse por nada.
He tends the garden on weekends.Él cuida el jardín los fines de semana.
They tends to avoid crowded places.Ellos tienden a evitar lugares concurridos.
The climate tends to get warmer in the summer.El clima tiende a calentarse más en el verano.

Common Phrases

“Follow your heart, it tends to lead you in the right direction.”“Sigue tu corazón, tiende a llevarte en la dirección correcta.”
“It tends to rain in the spring.”“Tiende a llover en la primavera.”
“He tends to be very honest with his friends.”Él tiende a ser muy honesto con sus amigos.
“The company tends to be very competitive.”La empresa tiende a ser muy competitiva.

Conjugations for “Tends

Presenttender, tendes, tiende, tendemos, tendéis, tienden
Pasttendí, tendiste, tendió, tendimos, tendisteis, tendieron
Future tenderé, tenderás, tenderá, tendremos, tenderéis, tenderán

Word of the Day

Tender – Tends

Usage: The nurse tenderly cared for the newborn baby. – La enfermera cuidó con ternura al bebé recién nacido.