Taunt English to Spanish Translation


1. (To Treat with Contempt) (General)

Taunt (verb) (to treat someone with contempt or scorn)

He tauned his opponent during the debate.

2. (Slang) (To Tease or Mock) (United States)

Taunt (verb) (to tease or mock someone)

Stop taunting me, it’s not funny.

Synonyms for Taunt

dare – atrever 🔊 tease – moflear 🔊 goad – chillar 🔊 insult – injuriar 🔊 mock – escarnecer 🔊 ridicule – ridiculizar 🔊

Antonyms for Taunt

assure – asegurar 🔊 praise – alabar 🔊 console – consolar 🔊 flatter – adular 🔊 embrace – abrazar 🔊

Examples of Taunt

Stop taunting me!¡Alórate de mí!
The bully was known for taunting his classmates.El bulli era conocido por atrever a sus compañeros de clase.
The coach won’t taunt the opposing team.El entrenador no atreve al equipo contrario.
He avoided taunting his opponent.Evitó atrevar al oponente.

Common Phrases

“To bite and taunt”“Mordisquear y atrever”
“To taunt and tease”“Atrever y molestar”

Word of the Day

Taunt – taunt

Usage: She taunts him with a smile. – Elle le taquine avec un sourire.