Spit English to Spanish Translation

Spit(in English) 🔊
Escupir (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (To Discharge)

a. to spit (v.) (to force out saliva or other substances from one’s mouth)

— The dog likes to spit on the sidewalk.

2. (To Spit On)

b. to spit on (v.) (to intentionally project saliva or other substances onto something or someone)

— He always spits on the sidewalk after eating.

3. (Part of a Plant)

c. a spit (n.) (a seed vessel that splits to release seeds)

— The seed of the plant splits into multiple spits.

4. (Slang) (To Talk or Chat)

d. to spit (v.) (to talk or chat informally)

— I love to spit with my friends all night.

5. (Slang) (To Betray or Sting)

e. to spit (v.) (to betray or sting someone)

— He’s been spitting on his ex-girlfriend.

Synonyms for spit

puking – pukar 🔊 to spew – ruirar 🔊 to sputter – lanzar 🔊 to cough – hurgar 🔊 to send – mandar 🔊

Antonyms for spit

to have – tener 🔊 to do – hacer 🔊 to direct – dirigir 🔊 to start – iniciar 🔊 to stop – detener 🔊

Examples of spit

He spat on the floor.Él escupió en el suelo.
The seed spit open to release its seeds.El semilla de la planta se rompió para liberar sus semillas.
They spat at each other.Ellos se escupieron mutuamente.
She spits venom at anyone who gets in her way.Ella es capaz de escupir veneno a cualquiera que se interponga en su camino.
The dog was taught to spit on command.El perro fue enseñado a escupir a orden.

Common Phrases

“To spit in the wind”“Escupir en el viento”
“Spit and polish”“Escupir y brillar”

Conjugations for “Spit

Presentyo escupo, tú escupes, él/ella/usted escupe, nosotros/nosotras escupimos, vosotros/vosotras escupís, ellos/ellas/ustedes escupen
Pastyo escupí, tú escupiste, él/ella/usted escupió, nosotros/nosotras escupimos, vosotros/vosotras escupisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes escupieron
Futureyo escupiré, tú escupirás, él/ella/usted escupirá, nosotros/nosotras escupiremos, vosotros/vosotras escupiréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes escupirán

Word of the Day

Escupir – to spit

Usage: El perro escupe en el patio todos los días. – The dog spits in the yard every day.