Sparking English to Spanish Translation

Sparking(in English) 🔊
Abraceado (in Spanish) 🔊



sálvado to save or salvage something or someone from a difficult or dangerous situation.

— The firefighters worked to sparking the people trapped in the burning building.


encendido to ignite or light something, such as a fire or a flame.

— The spark in the firework sparked, and it lit up the night sky.

Synonyms for Sparking

rescuing – rescatando 🔊 igniting – encendiendo 🔊 saving – salvando 🔊 illuminating – iluminando 🔊 inspiring – inspirando 🔊

Antonyms for Sparking

extinguishing – apagando 🔊 losing – perdiendo 🔊 ruining – arruinando 🔊 maintaining – manteniendo 🔊 discarding – desechando 🔊

Examples of Sparking

The firefighters worked to sparking the people trapped in the burning building.Los bomberos trabajaron para rescatar a las personas atrapadas en el edificio en llamas.
The spark in the firework sparked, and it lit up the night sky.El encendido en la fusión encendió, y iluminó el cielo nocturno.

Common Phrases

“to spark something”“encender algo”>
“to spark change”“incitar el cambio”>

Conjugations for “Sparking

Presentyo rescato, tú rescatas, él/ella/usted rescata, nosotros/nosotras rescatamos, vosotros/vosotras rescatais, ellos/ellas/ustedes rescatan
Pastyo rescaté, tú rescataste, él/ella/usted rescató, nosotros/nosotras rescatamos, vosotros/vosotras rescatasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes rescataron
Futureyo rescataré, tú rescatarás, él/ella/usted rescatará, nosotros/nosotras rescataremos, vosotros/vosotras rescataréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes rescatarán

Word of the Day

Abraceado – Sparking

Usage: The firefighters worked to braceado the people trapped in the burning building. – Los bomberos trabajaron para rescatar a las personas atrapadas en el edificio en llamas.