Sneak English to Spanish Translation


Word: Sneak (English) / Colar (Spanish)


Definition 1: To move quietly and secretly, often in order to catch someone by surprise. – To move quietly and secretly, often in order to sorprender a alguien.

Definition 2: To achieve something by clever and secretive means. – Lograr algo mediante medios inteligentes y secretos.

Definition 3: To eat something without permission or to take something that belongs to someone else. – Comer algo sin permiso o tomar algo que pertenece a alguien.

Synonyms for “Sneak”


  • Prowl
  • Slip
  • Slither
  • Creep


  • Colar
  • Andar con sigilo
  • Deslizarse
  • Reptar

Antonyms for “Sneak”


  • Disclose
  • Reveal
  • Proclaim
  • Tell


  • Dar a conocer
  • Revelar
  • Proclamar
  • Decir

Examples of “Sneak”

The thief tried to sneak into the house without being seen.El ladrón intentó colar en la casa sin ser visto.
She likes to sneak a snack when no one is looking.Ella gusta colar un bolsillo cuando nadie está mirando.
I’m going to sneak into the movies tonight.Voy a colar al cine esta noche.
Sneak attacks are often used in martial arts.Los ataques sorpresa son utilizados comúnmente en artes marciales.

Common Phrases

“Sneak a peek”“Echar un vistazo”
“Sneak attack”“Ataque sorpresa”
“Sneak around”“Andar con sigilo”

Conjugations for “Sneak”

Presentsneak, sneaks, sneaks, sneak, sneak, sneaks
Pastsneaked, sneaked, sneaked, snuck, sneaked, snuck
Futuresneak, will sneak, will sneak, will sneak, will sneak, will sneak

Word of the Day

Sneak – to move quietly and secretly

Usage: She likes to sneak a snack when no one is looking. – Le gusta colar un bolsillo cuando nadie está mirando.