Shot English to Spanish Translation

Shot (English) 🔊
Tirada (Spanish) 🔊


1. (English) (General)

a. Shot (n) (A shot is a sudden or brief movement, especially with a gun.)

— The hunter took a shot at the deer.

2. (Spanish) (General)

b. Tirada (f) (A tirada is a throw, a shot, or a dart, usually with force or speed, especially in sports.)

— Ella lanzó una tirada fuerte en el campo de golf.

Synonyms for Shot

Shot – Tirada 🔊 Cast – Armar 🔊 Throw – Lanzamiento 🔊 Effort – Esfuerzo 🔊 Blow – Golpe 🔊 Firing – Disparo 🔊

Antonyms for Shot

Miss – Error 🔊 Failure – Fallo 🔊 Ineffective – Ineficaz 🔊 Weak – Débil 🔊 Cowardly – Cobardo 🔊

Examples of Shot

The team took a shot at the goal.El equipo tomó una tirada al gol.
He took a shot at the target.Él tomó una tirada a la diana.
The archer took a shot at the arrow.El arquero lanzó una tirada a la flecha.
She made a shot at the net.Ell hizo una tirada a la red.
He fired a shot at the enemy.Él disparó un tiro contra el enemigo.

Common Phrases

“To take a shot at something”“Tomar un tiro a algo”
“To make a shot at something”“Hacer un tiro a algo”
“To lose a shot”“Perder un tiro”
“To miss a shot”“Fallar un tiro”

Conjugations for “Shot

Presentyo shooteo, tú shooteas, él/ella/usted shootea, nosotros/nosotras shooteamos, vosotros/vosotras shooteáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes shootean
Pastyo shooteé, tú shooteaste, él/ella/usted shooteó, nosotros/nosotras shooteamos, vosotros/vosotras shooteasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes shootearon
Futureyo shootearé, tú shootearás, él/ella/usted shooteará, nosotros/nosotras shootearemos, vosotros/vosotras shooteareis, ellos/ellas/ustedes shootearán

Word of the Day

Shot -Shot

Usage: The basketball player took a shot at the hoop. – El jugador de baloncesto tomó un tiro al aro.