Shoot English to Spanish Translation

Here is the bilingual HTML translation for the word ‘Shoot’ from English to Spanish:**Word** English: Shoot Spanish: Disparar (pronounced: /diˈspaɾaɾ/)**Definition** English:1. To throw or propel a projectile, typically with the intention of harming or hitting a target. 2. Slang: To take a shot, usually a romantic or flirtatious one.Spanish: 1. Ejectar o expulsar un proyectil, generalmente con el fin de lastimar o golpear un objetivo. 2. (Coloquialidad) Tener una aventura amorosa o flirtar.**Examples** English:1. He decided to shoot a wild animal that was bothering the neighbors. 2. She thought he was going to shoot his shot and ask her out.Spanish:1. Decidió disparar un animal silvestre que estaba molestando a los vecinos. 2. Ella pensó que iba a darle un tiro y pedirle salir a él.**Synonyms** English:* Fire * Discharge * Launch * Aim * PropelSpanish:* Disparar * Ejectar * Lanzar * Dirigir * Propulsar**Antonyms** English:* Miss * Avoid * Dodge * Refrain * AbstainSpanish:* Fallar * Evitar * Esquivar * Refrenar * Abstenerse**Common Phrases** English:* Shoot from the hip – talk quickly and impulsively without thinking. * Shoot for the stars – aim for something ambitious.Spanish:* Disparar por la bordura – hablar rápido y sin pensarlo. * Lanzar la vista a las estrellas – perseguir algo ambicioso.**Conjugations** English: N/A (verb)Spanish: Disparar (to shoot): – Present: yo disparo, tú disparas, él/ella/usted dispara, nosotros/nosotras disparamos, vosotros/vosotras disparáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes disparan – Past: yo disparé, tú disparaste, él/ella/usted disparó, nosotros/nosotras disparamos, vosotros/vosotras disparasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes dispararon – Future: yo dispararé, tú dispararás, él/ella/usted disparará, nosotros/nosotras dispararemos, vosotros/vosotras dispararéis, ellos/ellas/ustedes dispararán**Word of the Day** English: Shoot Spanish: Disparar Meaning: The verb meaning to throw or propel a projectile. Example: The soldier shouted “Disparar!” before firing his rifle.I hope this translations meets your requirements! Let me know if you’d like me to clarify or modify anything.