Shall English to Spanish Translation

Shall(in English) 🔊
Deberíamos (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Modality) (General)

a. shall (verb) (To express a possibility or a future event.)

— If it rains, we shall stay inside. – Si llueve, nos quedaremos adentro.

2. (Modality) (Formal)

b. shall (verb) (To express an obligation or a duty.)

— You shall follow the rules. – Tu debes seguir las reglas.

Synonyms for Shall

must – debemos 🔊 are supposed to – están supuestos 🔊 ought to – debe 🔊 can – puedo 🔊 must – debo 🔊

Antonyms for Shall

shall not – no debemos 🔊 ough to – no debe 🔊 must not – no debo 🔊

Word of the Day

Deberíamos – shall (verb)

Usage: We shall attend the meeting tomorrow. – Nosotros asistiremos a la reunión mañana.