Ruthless English to Spanish Translation



1. ( adjective )

Ruthless ( showing no mercy or compassion )

— The ruthless dictator destroyed entire cities during his regime.

2. ( slang ) ( extremely competitive or aggressive )

Ruthless ( having no hesitation or compassion )

— She was ruthlessly competing in the tournament, and her opponents didn’t stand a chance.

Synonyms for Ruthless

cruel – impía 🔊 fierce – feroz 🔊 brutal – brutal 🔊 merciless – sin piedad 🔊 pitiless – despiadado 🔊 inhuman – inhumano 🔊

Antonyms for Ruthless

compassionate – compasivo 🔊 merciful – misericorde 🔊 lenient – piedad 🔊 humane – humano 🔊 kind – amable 🔊

Examples of Ruthless

The ruthless dictator crushed any opposition to his rule.El dictador cruel aplastó cualquier oposición a su regla.
She was ruthless in her competition against her rival. Ella fue despiadada en su competencia contra su rival.
He was accused of being ruthless in his business dealings.Se le acusó de ser cruel en sus negocios.

Common Phrases

“A ruthless competitor”“Un competidor despiadado”
“Ruthless words”“Palabras crueles”

Conjugations for “Ruthless

Presentyo soy cruel, tú eres cruel, él/ella/usted es cruel, nosotros/nosotras somos crueles, vosotros/vosotras sois crueles, ellos/ellas/ustedes son crueles
Pastyo fui cruel, tú fuiste cruel, él/ella/usted fue cruel, nosotros/nosotras fuimos crueles, vosotros/vosotras fuisteis crueles, ellos/ellas/ustedes fueron crueles
Futureyo seré cruel, tú serás cruel, él/ella/usted será cruel, nosotros/nosotras seremos crueles, vosotros/vosotras seréis crueles, ellos/ellas/ustedes serán crueles

Word of the Day

Ruthless – ruthless

Usage: The ruthless dictator destroyed entire cities during his regime. – El dictador cruel aplastó ciudades enteras durante su regla.