Rugged English to Spanish Translation

Rugged (in English) 🔊
Aspero (in Spanish) 🔊


Rugged (English)

Rugged refers to something that is rough, coarse, or harsh, often in a natural or rugged landscape.

— The hikers had to navigate through the rugged terrain to reach the summit.

Aspero (Spanish)

Aspero se refiere a algo que es áspero, tosco o brusco, a menudo en un paisaje natural o aspero.

— Los montañistas tuvieron que cruzar por el terreno áspero para llegar al pico.

Synonyms for Rugged

Rugged – Aspero 🔊 Harsh – Áspero 🔊 Rugged – Rugoso 🔊 Coarsely – Toscamente 🔊 Rocky – Roca 🔊 Mountainous – Montañoso 🔊

Antonyms for Rugged

Smooth – Suave 🔊 Flat – Liso 🔊 Gentle – Suave 🔊 Mild – Climático 🔊 Delicate – Delicado 🔊

Examples of Rugged

The trail was rugged and challenging to hike.El sendero era áspero y desafiante de caminar.
The terrain was rugged and rocky, making it difficult to climb.El terreno era montañoso y rocoso, lo que lo hacía difícil de subir.
The rugged landscape was a challenging backdrop for the adventure.El paisaje áspero era un fondo desafiante para la aventura.

Common Phrases

“to take the rough with the smooth”“tomar lo áspero con lo suave”
“to rough it”“andar a pie”
“to cut the rough and tumble“cortar el gorgojo y la hoja”

Conjugations for “Rugged

Word of the Day

Rugged – Aspero

Usage: The hikers enjoyed the rugged landscape before descending back to camp. – Los montañistas disfrutaron del paisaje áspero antes de descender de vuelta al campamento.