Rugged (in English) 🔊
Aspero (in Spanish) 🔊
Rugged (English)
Rugged refers to something that is rough, coarse, or harsh, often in a natural or rugged landscape.
— The hikers had to navigate through the rugged terrain to reach the summit.
Aspero (Spanish)
Aspero se refiere a algo que es áspero, tosco o brusco, a menudo en un paisaje natural o aspero.
— Los montañistas tuvieron que cruzar por el terreno áspero para llegar al pico.
Synonyms for Rugged
Rugged – Aspero 🔊
Harsh – Áspero 🔊
Rugged – Rugoso 🔊
Coarsely – Toscamente 🔊
Rocky – Roca 🔊
Mountainous – Montañoso 🔊
Antonyms for Rugged
Smooth – Suave 🔊
Flat – Liso 🔊
Gentle – Suave 🔊
Mild – Climático 🔊
Delicate – Delicado 🔊
Examples of Rugged
English | Spanish |
The trail was rugged and challenging to hike. | El sendero era áspero y desafiante de caminar. |
The terrain was rugged and rocky, making it difficult to climb. | El terreno era montañoso y rocoso, lo que lo hacía difícil de subir. |
The rugged landscape was a challenging backdrop for the adventure. | El paisaje áspero era un fondo desafiante para la aventura. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“to take the rough with the smooth” | “tomar lo áspero con lo suave” |
“to rough it” | “andar a pie” |
“to cut the rough and tumble | “cortar el gorgojo y la hoja” |
Conjugations for “Rugged“
Word of the Day
Rugged – Aspero
Usage: The hikers enjoyed the rugged landscape before descending back to camp. – Los montañistas disfrutaron del paisaje áspero antes de descender de vuelta al campamento.