Royalty(in English) 🔊
Monarquía (in Spanish) 🔊
1. (English) (General)
a. Royalty (n) (It refers to the hereditary or ancestral rights and privileges that belong to a monarch or a noble family.)
— The royal family has been maintaining their power and influence through generations.
2. (Spanish) (General)
b. Monarquía (f) (It refers to a system of government in which a monarch holds supreme authority, often hereditary.)
— La monarquía de Oriente Medio ha sido un sistema de gobierno durante siglos.
3. (English) (Finance)
c. Royalties (n) (It refers to a payment made to the owner of a patent, copyright, or other intellectual property for the use of that property.)
— The music company pays royalties to the songwriter every time their song is played on the radio.
4. (Spanish) (Finance)
d. Regalías (f) (It refers to a payment made to the owner of a patente, copyright or other propiedad intelectual for the use of that property.)
— La empresa de música paga regalías al compositor cada vez que su canción se reproduce en la radio.
Synonyms for Royalty
Antonyms for Royalty
Examples of Royalty
English | Spanish |
The royal family has held its power and influence for centuries. | La familia real ha mantenido su poder y influencia durante siglos. |
The company pays royalties to the songwriter for every song played on the radio. | La empresa paga regalías al compositor cada vez que su canción se reproduce en la radio. |
She is a member of the royal family and has all the privileges that come with it. | Es miembro de la familia real y tiene todos los privilegios que conllevan con ella. |
The monarch has the authority to make laws and decisions for the kingdom. | El monarca tiene la autoridad para hacer leyes y decisiones para el reino. |
The royal family has a hereditary right to the throne. | La familia real tiene un derecho hereditario al trono. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“To be born with a silver spoon” – Having royal or aristocratic connections. | “Nacer con el cuchillo de plata” – Tener conexiones reales o aristocráticas. |
“To rule supreme” – To have absolute power and authority. | “Reinar sin igual” – Tener poder absoluto y autoridad. |
“To be crowned” – To be officially recognized as a monarch or king. | “Ser coronado” – Ser reconocido oficialmente como monarca o rey. |
Conjugations for “Royalty“
Tense | Conjugation |
Present | yo soy una reina, tú eres un rey, él/ella/usted es un monarca, nosotros/nosotras estamos en la familia real, vosotros/vosotras sois la realeza, ellos/ellas/ustedes son la dinastía real |
Past | yo fui una reina, tú fuiste un rey, él/ella/usted fue un monarca, nosotros/nosotras fuimos de la familia real, vosotros/vosotras fuisteis la realeza, ellos/ellas/ustedes fueron la dinastía real |
Future | yo seré una reina, tú serás un rey, él/ella/usted será un monarca, nosotros/nosotras seremos de la familia real, vosotros/vosotras seréis la realeza, ellos/ellas/ustedes serán la dinastía real |
Word of the Day
Royalty – royalty
Usage: The royal family has been maintaining their power and influence for centuries. – La familia real ha mantenido su poder y influencia durante siglos.