Rise English to Spanish Translation

Rise (in English) 🔊
Subir (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Verb) (General)

a. Rise (To move from a lower to a higher position.)

— The balloon rises in the air.

2. (Verb) (General)

b. Rise (To increase or occur at a higher level.)

— The prices will rise if we don’t control them.

3. (Verb) (General)

c. Rise (To get up or stand up.)

— The sun rises in the east.

4. (Verb) (General)

d. Rise (To become more important or influential.)

— She is rising to become a leader in her field.

5. (Verb) (General)

e. Rise (To happen or occur.)

— The new technology will rise to solve the environmental issue.

6. (Verb) (General)

f. Rise (To develop or become more effective.)

— The new system will rise to improve our processes.

Synonyms for Rise

ascend – ascender 🔊 increase – increment 🔊 get up – levantarse 🔊 be on the rise – estar en ascuas 🔊 arrive – arribar 🔊

Antonyms for Rise

descend – descender 🔊 decrease – decrement 🔊 fall – caer 🔊 be on the decline – estar en decadencia 🔊 not arrive – no arribar 🔊

Examples of Rise

The sun rose over the horizon.El sol surgió sobre el horizonte.
The cost of living will rise if we don’t act.El costo de vivir subirá si no actuamos.
The new employee will rise through the ranks.El nuevo empleado ascenderá a través de los rangos.
The city’s population has been rising steadily.La población de la ciudad ha estado aumentandosteadilyivamente.
The company will rise to the challenge.La empresa se levantará a la challenge.

Common Phrases

“Rise and shine”“¡Vamos! ¡Vamos al trabajo!”
“Every cloud has a silver lining, but this one’s still rising”“Toda nube tiene un lado positivo, pero esta todavía está subiendo”
“Rise to the occasion”“Levantarse a la ocasión”
“The time to rise is upon us”“La hora de subir es ahora”
“Rise above the din”“Levántese por sobre el ruido”

Word of the Day

Subir – to rise

Usage: El sol sube sobre el horizonte. – The sun rises over the horizon.