Riot English to Spanish Translation

Riot (in English) 🔊
Ato de violencia colectiva (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Sudden Outbreak of Violence) (General)

a. a riot (a sudden outbreak of violence involving a group of people)

— The police struggled to contain the riot that erupted in the city center.

2. (Wild or Uncontrollable Behavior) (Informal)

b. a riot (uncontrollable or chaotic behavior)

— He’s been in a riot mood since he got into a fight with his friend.

Synonyms for Riot

massacre – una masacre 🔊 protest – una manifestación 🔊 uprising – un motín 🔊 turmoil – un desorden 🔊 collective violence – violencia colectiva 🔊 tumult – un tumulto 🔊 pandemonium – un pandemonio 🔊

Antonyms for Riot

peaceful dispute – una disputa pacífica 🔊 peaceful march – una marcha pacífica 🔊 diplomacy – la diplomacia 🔊 peaceful intervention – una intervención pacífica 🔊 negotiation – una negociación 🔊

Examples of Riot

The police struggled to contain the riot that erupted in the city center.La policía luchó por contener el ato de violencia colectiva que estalló en el centro de la ciudad.
Sometimes riots can turn deadly.A veces atos de violencia colectiva pueden ser mortales.
Authorities worked to prevent riots from breaking out.Las autoridades trabajaron para evitar que atos de violencia colectiva estallaran.
The riot in the stadium was quickly brought under control.El ato de violencia colectiva en el estadio fue rápidamente controlado.
He tried to riot in court, but was forced to calm down.Intentó desordenar en el tribunal, pero fue obligado a calmarse.

Common Phrases

“The riot act was read to them.”“Se les leyó el acta de desorden.”
“To riot in the streets.”“Desorrar en las calles.”
“A riot broke out.”“Estalló un ato de violencia colectiva.”
“He was arrested for rioting.”“Fue arrestado por desorden.”

Conjugations for “Riot

Presentyo rioto, tú riotas, él/ella/usted riiote, nosotros/nosotras riotamos, vosotros/vosotras riotáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes riotan
Pastyo rioteé, tú riotaste, él/ella/usted riotó, nosotros/nosotras rioteamos, vosotros/vosotras riotasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes riotaron
Futureyo riotaré, tú riotarás, él/ella/usted riotará, nosotros/nosotras riotaremos, vosotros/vosotras riotaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes riotarán

Word of the Day

Riot – a sudden outbreak of violence involving a group of people

Usage: The police struggled to contain the riot that erupted in the city center.