Rid (in English) 🔊
Deshacer (in Spanish) 🔊
1. (Remove) (General)
a. Deshacer – v. tr. (to rid of something means to get rid of it, often unexpectedly or suddenly.)
— The company is trying to rid itself of the old inventory.
2. (Free from) (General)
b. Librar – v. tr. (to rid someone or something of something means to free them from it.)
— The doctor rid her of the pain by prescribing medication.
3. (Remove or Free from) (General)
c. Quitar – v. tr. (to rid someone or something of something means to remove or free them from it.)
— The fire department worked to rid the city of the toxic gas.
Synonyms for Rid
Deshacer – deshacer 🔊
Quitar – quitar 🔊
Librar –librar 🔊
Eliminar – eliminar 🔊
Desligar – desligar 🔊
Deshacerse – deshacerse 🔊
Antonyms for Rid
Encontrar – encontrar 🔊
Incorporar – incorporar 🔊
Adicionar – adicionar 🔊
Incluir – incluir 🔊
Añadir – añadir 🔊
Examples of Rid
English | Spanish |
Rid the garden of weeds. | Deséchine el jardín de hierbas. |
She’s trying to rid herself of the cold. | Está intentando librarse del frío. |
He rid the city of its toxic waste. | Él quitó la ciudad de su desecho tóxico. |
The new policy aims to rid the company of corruption. | La nueva política tiene como objetivos librarse de la corrupción en la empresa. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“To rid oneself of something” | “Deshacerse de algo” |
“To free someone from something” | “Librar a alguien de algo” |
“To remove something from something” | “Quitar algo de algo” |
Conjugations for “Rid“
Tense | Conjugation |
Present | yo rid, tú ridas, él/ella/usted rida, nosotros/nosotras ridamos, vosotros/vosotras ridáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes riden |
Past | yo ridí, tú ridiste, él/ella/usted ridió, nosotros/nosotras ridimos, vosotros/vosotras ridisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes ridieron |
Future | yo ridaré, tú ridarás, él/ella/usted ridará, nosotros/nosotras ridaremos, vosotros/vosotras ridaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes ridarán |
Word of the Day
Rid – v. tr.
Usage: The company is trying to rid itself of the old inventory. – La empresa está intentando librarse del inventario antiguo.