Rid English to Spanish Translation

Rid (in English) 🔊
Deshacer (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Remove) (General)

a. Deshacer – v. tr. (to rid of something means to get rid of it, often unexpectedly or suddenly.)

— The company is trying to rid itself of the old inventory.

2. (Free from) (General)

b. Librar – v. tr. (to rid someone or something of something means to free them from it.)

— The doctor rid her of the pain by prescribing medication.

3. (Remove or Free from) (General)

c. Quitar – v. tr. (to rid someone or something of something means to remove or free them from it.)

— The fire department worked to rid the city of the toxic gas.

Synonyms for Rid

Deshacer – deshacer 🔊 Quitar – quitar 🔊 Librar –librar 🔊 Eliminar – eliminar 🔊 Desligar – desligar 🔊 Deshacerse – deshacerse 🔊

Antonyms for Rid

Encontrar – encontrar 🔊 Incorporar – incorporar 🔊 Adicionar – adicionar 🔊 Incluir – incluir 🔊 Añadir – añadir 🔊

Examples of Rid

Rid the garden of weeds.Deséchine el jardín de hierbas.
She’s trying to rid herself of the cold.Está intentando librarse del frío.
He rid the city of its toxic waste.Él quitó la ciudad de su desecho tóxico.
The new policy aims to rid the company of corruption.La nueva política tiene como objetivos librarse de la corrupción en la empresa.

Common Phrases

“To rid oneself of something”“Deshacerse de algo”
“To free someone from something”“Librar a alguien de algo”
“To remove something from something”“Quitar algo de algo”

Conjugations for “Rid

Presentyo rid, tú ridas, él/ella/usted rida, nosotros/nosotras ridamos, vosotros/vosotras ridáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes riden
Pastyo ridí, tú ridiste, él/ella/usted ridió, nosotros/nosotras ridimos, vosotros/vosotras ridisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes ridieron
Futureyo ridaré, tú ridarás, él/ella/usted ridará, nosotros/nosotras ridaremos, vosotros/vosotras ridaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes ridarán

Word of the Day

Rid – v. tr.

Usage: The company is trying to rid itself of the old inventory. – La empresa está intentando librarse del inventario antiguo.