Respect English to Spanish Translation



Respect (noun)

Definition 1: (noun) a feeling of admiration for someone or something because of their qualities or achievements.

— She has a lot of respect for her mentor because of their accomplishments.

Definition 2: (noun) a feeling of reverence for someone or something because of their position, authority, or tradition.

— The soldiers showed respect for their commanding officer.

Definition 3: (verb) to treat someone or something with admiration, esteem, or honor.

— She respects her elders and always listens to their advice.

Synonyms for Respect

Estima – admiration 🔊 Consideración – consideration 🔊 Aprecio – appreciation 🔊 Reverencia – reverence 🔊 Adoración – adoration 🔊 Deferencia – deference 🔊

Antonyms for Respect

Desprecio – disdain 🔊 Desconsideración – disregard 🔊 Desreverencia – irreverence 🔊 Desaprecio – disdain 🔊 Deslealidad – disloyalty 🔊

Examples of Respect

He has lost all respect for his brother.Él ha perdido todo respeto por su hermano.
The students showed respect for their teacher by listening attentively.Los estudiantes mostraron respeto por su profesor al escuchar con atención.
She demands respect from everyone.Ella exige respeto de todos.
He has a great deal of respect for his mentor.Él tiene un gran respeto por su mentor.
She has lost her respect for the company.Ella ha perdido su respeto por la empresa.

Common Phrases

“Show some respect”“Muéstrale respeto”
“Treat others with respect”“Trata a los demás con respeto”
“Earn respect”“Gana respeto”

Conjugations for “Respect”

PresentI respect, you respect, he/she/it respects, we respect, you respect, they respectYo respeto, tú respetas, él/ella/usted respeta, nosotros/as respetamos, vosotros/as respetáis, ellos/as respetan
PastI respected, you respected, he/she/it respected, we respected, you respected, they respectedYo respeté, tú respetaste, él/ella/usted respetó, nosotros/as respetamos, vosotros/as respetasteis, ellos/as respetaron
FutureI will respect, you will respect, he/she/it will respect, we will respect, you will respect, they will respectYo respetaré, tú respetarás, él/ella/usted respetará, nosotros/as respetaremos, vosotros/as respetaréis, ellos/as respetarán

Word of the Day

Respecto – respect

Usage: The manager showed respect to the employee by offering a promotion. – El gerente mostró respeto al empleado al ofrecerle una promoción.