Reptiles English to Spanish Translation

Reptiles(in English) 🔊
Reptiles (in Spanish) 🔊


Reptiles: Animals with Cold-Blooded Metabolism

a. reptile (n) (A reptile is a cold-blooded animal with scaly skin, eggs, and a backbone.)

— The reptiles in the zoo are fascinating to watch.

Synonyms for Reptiles

Reptile – el reptil 🔊 Vertebrate – el vertebrado 🔊 Cold-Blooded – frío sangre 🔊 Scaly – escamoso 🔊 Egg-Laying – ponedora de huevos 🔊 Backboned – espinoso 🔊

Antonyms for Reptiles

Mammals – mamíferos 🔊 Birds – aves 🔊 Warm-Blooded – caliente sangre 🔊 Furry – peludo 🔊

Examples of Reptiles

There is a variety of reptiles in the desert.Hay una variedad de reptiles en el desierto.
The reptiles in the terrarium are very active.Los reptiles en el terrario son muy activos.
She has a pet lizard that is a type of reptile. Ella tiene un lagarto mascota que es un tipo de reptil.
The reptiles in the rainforest are an important part of the ecosystem.Los reptiles en la selva tropical son una parte importante del ecosistema.

Word of the Day

reptil – reptile

Usage: The reptile in the terrarium is very active at night. – El reptil en el terrario es muy activo de noche.