Release English to Spanish Translation

Release (in English) 🔊
Liberación (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Verb) (General)

a. Liberar (v) (To release something means to let go of it or set it free.)

— She decided to release the tension by laughing.

2. (Verb) (Finance)

b. Liberar (v) (To release a stock means to sell it or make it available for trading.)

— The company will release the new shares to the market.

3. (Verb) (Computer Science)

c. Liberar (v) (To release a software update means to make it available for download.)

— The developers will release the new version of the operating system soon.

Synonyms for “Release

eject – ejetar 🔊 free – libre 🔊 let go – dejar ir 🔊 give – dar 🔊 loosen – aflojar 🔊

Antonyms for “Release

imprison – encerrar 🔊 confine – confinar 🔊 hold back – reprimir 🔊 restrain – contener 🔊 束 – atar 🔊

Examples of “Release

The company will release the new software next week.La empresa lanzará el nuevo software la próxima semana.
She releases the pressure by talking to her friends.Ella libera la presión hablando con sus amigos.
The concert released a massive increase in sales of the band’s album.El concierto impulsó una gran cantidad de ventas del disco de la banda.
He releases his stress by exercising.Él libera su estrés mediante el ejercicio.
The new movie releases tonight at 9 PM.La nueva película se estrena esta noche a las 9 pm.

Common Phrases

“Let off some steam”“Desahogarse un poco”
“Break free”“Romper con ello”
“Get something off your chest”“Sacar algo de la cabeza”
“Let go of your worries”“Dejar ir tus preocupaciones”

Conjugations for “Release

Presentyo libero, tú libreas, él/ella/usted libera, nosotros/nosotras liberamos, vosotros/vosotras librais, ellos/ellas/ustedes libran
Pastyo libré, tú libraste, él/ella/usted libra, nosotros/nosotras liberamos, vosotros/vosotras librasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes libraron
Futureyo liberaré, tú liberarás, él/ella/usted librará, nosotros/nosotras liberaremos, vosotros/vosotras liberaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes liberarán

Word of the Day

Liberación – Release

Usage: The company will release the new product next quarter. – La empresa lanzará el nuevo producto el próximo trimestre.