Read English to Spanish Translation



1. (Verb) (General)

Read leer, leer

— She read a book about history last night.

To interpret the written or printed symbols in a text.

2. (Verb) (United States)

Read leer

— Can you read this sign for me?

To understand the meaning of written or printed symbols.

Synonyms for Read

Read – leer 🔊 interpret – interpretar 🔊 decode – decodificar 🔊 analyze – analizar 🔊 understand – entender 🔊

Antonyms for Read

not understand – no entender 🔊 ignore – ignorar 🔊 not analyze – no analizar 🔊 repress – reprimir 🔊 unknown – desconocer 🔊

Examples of Read

Read the instructions carefully.Lee con cuidado las instrucciones.
Read a book about science.Lee un libro sobre ciencia.
Can you read my mind?¿Puedes leer mi mente?
She read the letter aloud.Leé la carta en voz alta.
He likes to read history books.Le gusta leer libros de historia.

Common Phrases

“Read between the lines”“Lee entre las líneas”
“Read my lips”“Lee mis labios”
“Read the fine print”“Lee el pequeño print”
“Read ’em and weep”“Lee y llora”

Word of the Day

leer – read

Usage: She likes to leer books about history.