Quarrel English to Spanish Translation

Quarrel (in English) 🔊
Pelean (in Spanish) 🔊


a. (Conflict) (General)

Quarrel (noun) – A quarrel is a noisy and angry dispute between two people, typically over something trivial.

— The couple had a quarrel over a minor issue that escalated into a full-blown argument.

b. (Verb) (General)

to quarrel (verb) – To argue or fight, usually with someone you know or love.

— They started quarreling over petty things and couldn’t agree on anything.

Synonyms for Quarrel

argue – discutir 🔊 dispute – disputa 🔊 discord – discordia 🔊 fight – pelea 🔊 contention – contienda 🔊

Antonyms for Quarrel

agreement – acuerdo 🔊 harmony – armonía 🔊 compromise – compromiso 🔊 concord – concordia 🔊 peace – paz 🔊

Examples of Quarrel

They got into a quarrel over who stole whose phone.Se metieron en una pelea por quién robó qué móvil.
We used to quarrel all the time when we were younger.Cuando éramos más jóvenes, siempre discutíamos.
She quarreled with her sister over a trivial matter.Ella peleó con su hermana por un asunto trivial.
They quarreled constantly and eventually broke up.Se peleaban constantemente y finalmente se separaron.

Common Phrases

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair” (meaning a quarrel)“Lo justo es feo, y lo feo es justo” (significando una pelea)

Conjugations for “Quarrel

Presentyo peleo, tú peleas, él/ella/usted pelea, nosotros/nosotras peleamos, vosotros/vosotras peleáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes pelean
Pastyo peleé, tú peleaste, él/ella/usted peleó, nosotros/nosotras peleamos, vosotros/vosotras peleasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes pelearon
Futureyo pelearé, tú pelearás, él/ella/usted peleará, nosotros/nosotras pelearemos, vosotros/vosotras pelearéis, ellos/ellas/ustedes pelearán

Word of the Day

Quarrel – quarrel

Usage: They got into a quarrel over who ate the last piece of cake. – Ella se metió en una pelea con su hermana por quién se comió la última pieza de pastel.