Perceive English to Spanish Translation

Perceive (in English) 🔊
Percibir (en Español) 🔊


1. (Verb) (General)

a. percibir (v) (to become aware of something through the senses)

— She perceived the beauty of the sunset.

2. (Verb) (Psychological) (General)

b. percibir (v) (to understand or comprehend something)

— He perceived the complexity of the problem.

3. (Verb) (Physical) (General)

c. percibir (v) (to become aware of something through physical sensations)

— She perceived the change in her body.

4. (Verb) (Sensory) (General)

d. percibir (v) (to perceive something through the senses)

— I perceived the scent of freshly cut grass.

5. (Verb) (Cognitive) e. percibir (v) (to understand or comprehend something intellectually)

— He perceived the logical flaw in their argument.

Synonyms for perceive

be aware of – ser consciente de 🔊 realize – realizar 🔊 perception – percepción 🔊 feel – sentir 🔊 understand – conectar 🔊

Antonyms for perceive

ignore – ignorar 🔊 omit – omitir 🔊 not know – no saber 🔊 avoid – evitar 🔊 repress – reprimir 🔊

Examples of perceive

I perceive the world through my own senses.Yo percibo el mundo a través de mis propios sentidos.
Can you perceive the music?Puedes percibir la música?
She perceived the beauty of the painting.Ella percibió la belleza de la pintura.
He perceived the danger, but didn’t act.Él percibió el peligro, pero no actuó.
Can you perceive the difference?Puedes percibir la diferencia?

Common Phrases

“To perceive is to understand”“Percibir es comprender”
“Perception is reality”“La percepción es realidad”
“To perceive the world around us”“Percibir el mundo que nos rodea”

Conjugations for “Perceive

Presentyo percibo, tú percibes, él/ella/usted percibe, nosotros/nosotras percibimos, vosotros/vosotras percibís, ellos/ellas/ustedes perciben
Pastyo percibí, tú percibiste, él/ella/usted percibió, nosotros/nosotras percibimos, vosotros/vosotras percibisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes percibieron
Futureyo percibiré, tú percibirás, él/ella/usted percibirá, nosotros/nosotras percibiremos, vosotros/vosotras percibiréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes percibirán

Word of the Day

percibir – to perceive

Usage: She perceived the beauty of the painting. – Ella percibió la belleza de la pintura.