Pamphlet English to Spanish Translation

Definition of Pamphlet


1. (General)

A small booklet, typically printed on one side of paper only and folded so that it has two leaves or four pages.

— The pamphlet was designed to provide a concise overview of the company’s latest products.

2. (General)

A small booklet or leaflet, often containing information or publicity on a particular topic or product.

— The restaurant handed out pamphlets to promote its new menu.

Synonyms for Pamphlet

leaflet 🔊 brochure 🔊 handout 🔊 flier 🔊 circular 🔊 flyer 🔊 catalog 🔊

Antonyms for Pamphlet

book 🔊 novel 🔊 essay 🔊 thesis 🔊 report 🔊 manuscript 🔊

Examples of Pamphlet

The pamphlet was well-received by the audience.El folleto fue muy bien recibido por el público.
We’re giving out free pamphlets to promote the event.Estamos distribuyendo folletos gratuitos para promocionar el evento.
Can you pass me the pamphlet, please?¿Puedes pasarme el folleto, por favor?
I’d like to take a pamphlet, thank you.Me gustaría tomar un folleto, gracias.
It’s recommended that you read the pamphlet carefully.Es recomendable que leas el folleto con atención.

Common Phrases

“To get with the pamphlet”“Embarcarse con el folleto”
“Out of the pamphlet”“Fuera del folleto”
“In the pamphlet”“En el folleto”

Conjugations for “Pamphlet


Word of the Day

Pamphlet(n.) A small booklet, typically printed on one side of paper only and folded so that it has two leaves or four pages.