Our Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

At KeepTheTech, we’ve done far too little for far too long.

Too few BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) editors, writers, photographers, and illustrators are working in our field today. The distinct technology constraints faced by BIPOC communities have not always been taken into account by our content planning initiatives. Until the end of 2022, we had never thoroughly examined our previous content for racial prejudice.

That it took us this long to turn these things into the crucial components of our business that they ought to have always been is completely unacceptable. Our continuous focus is centered on addressing these difficulties.

Our Commitment

  • We intend to broaden our teams. Teams of employees and freelancers that write, edit, and oversee our content need to be more diverse. We commit to having 20% of our larger team, made up of BIPOC authors, editors, reviewers, and other creatives, by March 31, 2023.
  • We’re going to educate ourselves. To address these concerns in our workplace and to better inform our readers, we will keep learning about the struggles and experiences of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other communities. We commit to finishing our editorial training on avoiding bias in our writing and editing by March 31, 2023.
  • We’ll check all of our current content for racial prejudice. Since the majority of our material is evergreen—that is, accessible and read long after it was first published—it is critical that we take a thorough look at our current collection. We commit to checking for racial prejudice in our text, photography, and graphics for content that accounts for 95% of our traffic by March 31, 2023, and updating it as necessary.
  • We’ll arrange our information more effectively to focus on the digital divide and other issues BIPOC faces with technology. Technology encompasses more than just smartphones and tablets; it also includes people and their access to hardware, education, security, and the internet. We pledge to arrange our current library of material in this field into a specific, easily accessible part of our website by March 31, 2023.
  • We will keep showcasing BIPOC creatives and tech companies on our website so that more people may read their work, hear about their experiences, and learn about the difficulties that so many individuals in our society encounter when it comes to technology.

We will continue to be committed to this. We anticipate that as we diversify the perspectives on our team, our goals will grow and that we will keep learning more.

We also acknowledge that success cannot occur without accountability, thus we pledge to maintain complete transparency and to give a thorough report on the state of our goals each quarter. Those updates are listed below.

Kindly contact us at contact@keepthetech.com if you have any further suggestions on how we can keep becoming better.


Mritunjay Jadon and Siddharth Jadon

KeepTheTech Editorial Team

Black Lives Matter!

Update: Q2 2022

In 2022, we continue to work with InfoPlug Media Anti-Bias Review Board to review content to evaluate its inclusivity and ensure that its language, images, and content live up to our pledge to fight against racism and oppression.

We commit to having 20% of our larger team, made up of BIPOC writers, editors, reviewers, and other creatives, by September 23, 2022.

We commit to having finished professionally accredited editorial training on avoiding bias in our writing and editing by September 23, 2022.


  • We commit to having 20% of our larger team, made up of BIPOC authors, editors, reviewers, and other creatives, by September 23, 2022. Right now, we’re at 13%.


  • We commit to having finished professionally accredited editorial training on avoiding bias in our writing and editing by September 23, 2022. As of now, we haven’t finished this training.
  • We promise to check (and amend as necessary) 95% of our traffic-generating content by September 23, 2022, for racial prejudice in text, images, and illustrations. As of now, 83% have been evaluated.
  • We pledge to arrange our current library of material in this field into a specific, easily accessible part of our website by September 23, 2022. This is something we are presently working on as part of a site-wide project.


  • By the end of the quarter, we will have researched potential partnerships in technology to address the digital divide. We continue to research and discuss this with internal and external teams.

Update: Q1 2022

In 2022, we will continue to work with InfoPlug Media Anti-Bias Review Board to review content to evaluate its inclusivity and ensure that its language, images, and content live up to our pledge to fight against racism and oppression.


  • By June 30, 2022, we pledge that 20% of our greater team will be composed of BIPOC editors, writers, reviewers, and other creatives. We are currently at 19%.


  • By March 31, 2022, we pledge to have completed professionally recognized editorial training around preventing bias in our writing and editing. We have not completed this goal.
  • By June 30, 2022, we pledge to review (and update as needed) content representing 95% of our traffic for racial bias in our text, photography, and illustrations. We have reviewed 83%.
  • By March 31, 2022, we commit to organizing our existing collection of content in this area into a dedicated, easy-to-find section on our site. This is in progress.


  • By the end of the quarter, we will have researched potential partnerships in technology to address the digital divide. We continue to research and discuss this internally.

Contact Us

Please let us know at contact@keepthetech.com if you have additional ideas about how we can continue to improve.

Feel free to email our General Manager, Siddharth Jadon or CEO Mritunjay Jadon.