Offended English to Spanish Translation

Offended (in English) 🔊
Ofendido (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Adjective) (General)

a. Offended (Not pleased or upset, but strongly disapproving or repellent.)

— The offending remark sparked outrage among the audience.

2. (Verb) (To Cause Offense) (General)

b. offend (to) – ofender (To cause someone to feel hurt, angry, or annoyed.)

— His careless comment offended many people.

Synonyms for Offended

Injured – herido 🔊 Provoked – provocado 🔊 Wounded – herido 🔊 Appalled – horrorizado 🔊 Affronted – ofendido 🔊 Insulted – insultado 🔊

Antonyms for Offended

Pleased – agradado 🔊 Satisfied – satisfecho 🔊 Delighted – encantado 🔊 Honored – honrado 🔊 Respected – respetado 🔊

Examples of Offended

The manager was offended by the employee’s criticism.El gerente se ofendió por la crítica del empleado.
The joke offended many people and was removed from the program.La broma ofendió a muchos y fue eliminada del programa.
He was offended by her rude comment.Él se ofendió por el comentario grosero de ella.
The government was offended by the insinuation.El gobierno se ofendió por la insinuación.

Common Phrases

“Rise and be offended”“Levántate y sé ofendido”
“Offend in order to offend ““Ofender para ofender “

Conjugations for “Offend”

Futurewill offend

Word of the Day

Ofendido – Offended

Usage: The offended party is seeking compensation for the damages. – El partido ofendido está buscando indemnización por los daños.