Lose English to Spanish Translation

Here is the translation of the word “Lose” from English to Spanish:**Word**: English: Lose Spanish: Perder**Pronunciation**: English: /luːz/ Spanish: /perˈðeɾ/**Definition**:English:1. To fail to win or succeed in a competition, contest, or venture. 2. To misplace or be unable to find something. 3. To spend or waste something, such as time or money.Spanish:1. Perder un concurso, competición o aventura. 2. No poder encontrar algo que se ha perdido. 3. Gastar o malgastar algo, como tiempo o dinero.**Examples**:English:1. The team is trying to win the game, but they may lose. 2. I lost my phone earlier today. 3. I’ve been losing money on bad investments.Spanish:1. El equipo está intentando ganar el partido, pero pueden perder. 2. Perdí mi teléfono ayer. 3. He estado perdiendo dinero con inversiones malas.**Synonyms**:English:* Fail * Mislay * Spend * WasteSpanish:* Fallar * No encontrar * Gasto * Desperdicio**Antonyms**:English:* Win * Find * Gain * SaveSpanish:* Ganar * Encontrar * Ganar * Ahorrar**Common Phrases**:English:* “Lose a loved one” * “Lose one’s temper” * “Lose face”Spanish:* “Perder a alguien cerca” * “Perder la paciencia” * “Perder la cara”**Conjugations**: (if applicable)English:* Present: lose * Past: lost * Future: will loseSpanish:* Presente: perder * Pasado: perdió * Futuro: perderá**Word of the Day**:English: Lose Spanish: Perder Definition: To fail to win or succeed in a competition, contest, or venture.I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.