Judicial (in English) 🔊
(en español) 👀
1. (Concerning Law) (General)
Judicial (Concerning the administration of justice.)
— The court issued a judicial decree requiring the company to pay a large fine.
2. (Of or relating to a Judge) (General)
Judicial (Of or relating to a judge or the process of judging.)
— The judicial commission was appointed to investigate the allegations of misconduct.
6. (Concerning Justice) (General)
Judicial (Concerning the maintenance of law and order.)
— The government launched a judicial review to ensure fairness and impartiality in the justice system.
Synonyms for Judicial
Administrative – administrativo 🔊
Justicial – justicial 🔊
Juridical – jurídico 🔊
Regulatory – regulador 🔊
Normative – normativo 🔊
Constitutional – constitucional 🔊
Antonyms for Judicial
Arbitrary – arbitrario 🔊
Discriminatory – discriminatorio 🔊
Illegitimate – ilegal 🔊
Morally questionable – moralmente cuestionable 🔊
Against the law – contra la ley 🔊
Examples of Judicial
English | Spanish |
The court issued a judicial decree requiring the company to pay a large fine. | La corte emitió un decreto judicial que obligó a la empresa a pagar una multa grande. |
The government launched a judicial review to ensure fairness and impartiality in the justice system. | El gobierno lanzó un examen judicial para asegurarse de la justicia y la imparcialidad en el sistema judicial. |
The judicial commission was appointed to investigate allegations of misconduct by the judge. | La comisión judicial fue nombrada para investigar las acusaciones de mala conducta del juez. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“To have a case handled judicially” | “Tener un caso manejado judicialmente” |
“To have a judicial review” | “Tener un examen judicial” |
“Judicial accountability” | (“Responsabilidad judicial”) |
“Fair and judicial process” | “Proceso justo y judicial” |
Conjugations for “Judicial“
Tense | Conjugation |
Present | yo juzgo, tú juzgas, él/ella/usted juzga, nosotros/nosotras juzgamos, vosotros/vosotras juzgáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes juzgan |
Past | yo juzgué, tú juzgaste, él/ella/usted juzgó, nosotros/nosotras juzgamose, vosotros/vosotras juzgasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes juzgaron |
Future | yo juzgaré, tú juzgarás, él/ella/usted juzgará, nosotros/nosotras juzgarémos, vosotros/vosotras juzgaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes juzgarán |
Word of the Day
Judicial – judicial
Usage: The court issued a judicial decree requiring the company to pay a large fine. – La corte emitió un decreto judicial que obligó a la empresa a pagar una multa grande.