Judicial English to Spanish Translation

Judicial (in English) 🔊
(en español) 👀


1. (Concerning Law) (General)

Judicial (Concerning the administration of justice.)

— The court issued a judicial decree requiring the company to pay a large fine.

2. (Of or relating to a Judge) (General)

Judicial (Of or relating to a judge or the process of judging.)

— The judicial commission was appointed to investigate the allegations of misconduct.

6. (Concerning Justice) (General)

Judicial (Concerning the maintenance of law and order.)

— The government launched a judicial review to ensure fairness and impartiality in the justice system.

Synonyms for Judicial

Administrative – administrativo 🔊 Justicial – justicial 🔊 Juridical – jurídico 🔊 Regulatory – regulador 🔊 Normative – normativo 🔊 Constitutional – constitucional 🔊

Antonyms for Judicial

Arbitrary – arbitrario 🔊 Discriminatory – discriminatorio 🔊 Illegitimate – ilegal 🔊 Morally questionable – moralmente cuestionable 🔊 Against the law – contra la ley 🔊

Examples of Judicial

The court issued a judicial decree requiring the company to pay a large fine. La corte emitió un decreto judicial que obligó a la empresa a pagar una multa grande.
The government launched a judicial review to ensure fairness and impartiality in the justice system. El gobierno lanzó un examen judicial para asegurarse de la justicia y la imparcialidad en el sistema judicial.
The judicial commission was appointed to investigate allegations of misconduct by the judge. La comisión judicial fue nombrada para investigar las acusaciones de mala conducta del juez.

Common Phrases

“To have a case handled judicially”“Tener un caso manejado judicialmente”
“To have a judicial review”“Tener un examen judicial”
“Judicial accountability”(“Responsabilidad judicial”)
“Fair and judicial process”“Proceso justo y judicial”

Conjugations for “Judicial

Presentyo juzgo, tú juzgas, él/ella/usted juzga, nosotros/nosotras juzgamos, vosotros/vosotras juzgáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes juzgan
Pastyo juzgué, tú juzgaste, él/ella/usted juzgó, nosotros/nosotras juzgamose, vosotros/vosotras juzgasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes juzgaron
Futureyo juzgaré, tú juzgarás, él/ella/usted juzgará, nosotros/nosotras juzgarémos, vosotros/vosotras juzgaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes juzgarán

Word of the Day

Judicial – judicial

Usage: The court issued a judicial decree requiring the company to pay a large fine. – La corte emitió un decreto judicial que obligó a la empresa a pagar una multa grande.