Insist (n.) – Insistir (to persist in demanding or requiring something)
He insisted on getting a refund.
Definition 1
to insist (v.) – insistir (to persist in demanding or requiring something)
She insisted that she was right.
Definition 2
an insist (v.) – insistir (to insist on something)
He insisted on getting up to take a shower.
Synonyms for “Insist”
Maintain – mantener 🔊
Require – requerir 🔊
Demand – exigir 🔊
Persist – persistir 🔊
Antonyms for “Insist”
Give up – renunciar 🔊
Accept – aceptar 🔊
Grant – conceder 🔊
Desist – desistir 🔊
Examples of “Insist”
English | Spanish |
He insisted on getting a refund. | Él insistió en obtener un reembolso. |
She insisted that she was right. | Ella insistió en que estaba en lo correcto. |
He insisted on getting up to take a shower. | Él insistió en levantarse para tomar una ducha. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“To insist on something” | “Insistir en algo” |
“Insist on getting something done” | “Insistir en que se haga algo” |
“Someone was insistent about something” | “Alguien era insistente sobre algo” |
Conjugations for “Insist”
Tense | Conjugation |
Present | insisto, insistes, insiste, insistimos, insistís, insistís |
Past | insistí, insististe, insistió, insistimos, insististeis, insistieron |
Future | insistiré, insistirás, insistirá, insistiremos, insistiréis, insistirán |
Word of the Day
Insistir – to insist
Usage: He insisted on getting a refund.