How To Know Who UnFollow You On Twitter


If you’ve visited this web page then I am sure you probably have a Twitter account, If I am correct them Follow us on Twitter. So, there are not many social networking platforms that tell you which person unfollows you but they all tell you who recently like your Facebook page or recently joining the Google page.

According to my research, it was way too hard to build followers on Twitter. Because if you have a personal account then it is ok with you because nobody unfollows you. But you have a business account then it was way too hard to increase followers. You’ve to keep updating to the things on which your account built, such as if Twitter account about News and Updates then every 3 min to 5 min you’ve to tweet a piece of news to maintain the follower.

Get Email When Somebody Unfollow You on Twitter

Although there are some important follow who unfollow you and you don’t even know. When they unfollow you on Twitter.

When someone unfollows you on Twitter you can easily get an alert via your email address. You’ve to enable the get an alert feature.

There are more than 5 ways to track who unfollowed you on Twitter. In this article, you see some important methods to get alert when someone unfollows you on Twitter.

Method 1: Who Unfollowed Me

Who Unfollowed me was a well-known platform used by thousands of Twitter to get alerts when someone unfollows them.

Step by Step Guides :

Go to and then Click on ‘Sign-In with Twitter ‘. Go to UnFollowers (the options can be found on the top of the website).

Now when someone unfollows you on Twitter you get the notification through Email.

Method 2: Follow ‘UnFollowr’ Account on Twitter

There is an account called Mr. UnFollowr you’ve to follow this person. When someone unfollows you on Twitter you get DM’s from UnFollowr about the name of the person who unfollows you on Twitter.

Method 3:  Download App Called ‘JustUnFollow’

If you have a device running on the Android or iOS platform you can easily download and install an app called JustUnFollow that gives an alert message when someone unfollows you on Twitter