Hold English to Spanish Translation

Hold(in English) 🔊
Sostener (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Verb) (General)

a. sostener (v.) (to hold something)

— She must hold the baby while I do the dishes.

2. (Slang) (To Maintain or Keep) (General)

b. mantener (v.) (to hold onto something)

— He’s holding onto his dream of becoming a musician.

3. (Mathematics) (General)

c. mantener (v.) (to hold a value)

— The variable holds its value at x.

4. (Psychology) (General)

d. sostener (v.) (to hold an idea or belief)

— He’s struggling to hold onto his sense of identity.

5. (Business) (General)

e. mantener (v.) (to hold a position or role)

— The CEO is holding the position for another term.

6. (Sports) (General)

f. sostener (v.) (to hold onto something or someone)

— The athlete is holding onto her resolve to win the game.

Synonyms for Hold

sustain – sostener 🔊 retain – retener 🔊 guard – custodiar 🔊 maintain – mantener 🔊 hold – retener 🔊

Antonyms for Hold

forget – olvidar 🔊 give up – renunciar 🔊 abandon – abandonar 🔊 discard – descartar 🔊 release – liberar 🔊

Examples of Hold

She must hold the baby while I do the dishes.Debió sostener al bebé mientras yo hago lawash.
He’s holding onto his dream of becoming a musician.Él está manteniendo su sueño de convertirse en músico.
The variable holds its value at x.El variable mantiene su valor en x.
He’s struggling to hold onto his sense of identity.Él está luchando por sostener su sentido de identidad.
The CEO is holding the position for another term.El presidente ejecutivo mantiene la posición por otro plazo.

Common Phrases

“To hold someone’s hand”“Sostener la mano de alguien”
“To hold up traffic”“Detener el tráfico”
“Hold your horses”“Cálmate”
“To hold something back”“Retener algo”

Conjugations for “Hold

Presentyo sostengo, tú sostienes, él/ella/usted sostiene, nosotros/nosotras sostenemos, vosotros/vosotras sosteneis, ellos/ellas/ustedes sostienen
Pastyo sostuve, tú sostuviste, él/ella/usted sostuvo, nosotros/nosotras sostenemos, vosotros/vosotras sostuvisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes sostuvieron
Futureyo sostendré, tú sostendrás, él/ella/usted sostendrá, nosotros/nosotras sostendremos, vosotros/vosotras sostendréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes sostendrán

Word of the Day

hold – to hold something

Usage: She must hold the baby while I do the dishes. – Debió sostener al bebé mientras yo hago la wash.