Grasp English to Spanish Translation



Grasp (n)Apretar, agarrar

(Example sentence: “She had a firm grasp on the rope and pulled herself up.”)


1. (General)

a. el apretecimiento (m) (The grasp of the situation is that it is a complex one.)

— El apretecimiento de la situación es que es una compleja.

2. (Psychology)

b. el agarre (m) (The patient had a firm grasp on his emotions.)

— El paciente tenía un agarre firme en sus emociones.

3. (Sport)

c. la agarre (f) (The swimmer had a strong grasp on the pool rail.)

— El nadador tenía un agarre fuerte en la barandilla de la piscina.

Synonyms for Grasp

seize – agarrar hold – sujetar

Antonyms for Grasp

release – soltar let go – despegar

Examples of Grasp

She had a firm grasp on the rope.Ella tenía un agarre firme en la cuerda.
He refused to let go of his grasp on the knife.Él se negó a soltar su agarre en el cuchillo.
The coach told the player to maintain a strong grasp on the ball.El entrenador le dijo al jugador que mantuviera un agarre fuerte en la pelota.
She tried to grasp the concept of quantum physics.Intentó entender el concepto de física cuántica.

Common Phrases

“In a firm grasp”“En un agarre firme”
“To let go of something”“Solatar algo”
“To maintain a grasp”“Mantener un agarre”

Word of the Day

apretar – grasp

Usage: She tried to apretar the small handle, but it was too slippery. – Intentó apretar el manijo pequeño, pero era demasiado resbaloso.